Friday 6 November 2015

Earthly Successes and Failuers

Urusvati knows the inner significance of earthly successes and failures. Even over short periods of time, their karmic significance can be observed, and one can see how at times just one small action tipped the scales, how failure opened the best gates to victory, and success turned into loss. 
One can observe all kinds of events in life, but only a study of the past can provide any clue to their causes. Only one who knows the causes can perceive the higher justice. What people experience as a misfortune may be an unavoidable consequence of actions performed long before.
Events on Earth have not only earthly causes but also supermundane ones. The karmic entanglements resulting from human actions on Earth continue into the Subtle World. True, much can be resolved in the Subtle World, but such resolutions do not take place often, because so many dwellers of the Subtle World make poor use of their opportunities there and spend all their time struggling with the effects of their earthly lives. They do not have sufficient determination to resolve their past errors and thus renew their consciousness. But the Subtle World offers many opportunities for such renewal, for the loftiest supermundane instructions are provided there. Let people remember, and learn to apply them in their future earthly life.
The Thinker indicated, “Let people draw enrichment in their lives from the supermundane source.”
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Supermundane 4

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