Friday 27 November 2015

Thought and Thinking

Urusvati knows how difficult it is for people to perceive through straight-knowledge. This happens because their inner feeling has been separated from their thought. But how can feeling exist without its foundation of thought? People do not differentiate between the process of thinking and thought itself, which is swift as lightning. Thus taught the Thinker.
He spoke of the role of thought in all creation, but this simple affirmation was rejected by people who had made up their minds not to accept the power of thought. In this way the Teacher suffered greatly for thought.
He taught, "Thought is like lightning, and not knowing where a thought originates, you are unable to transform it into words. A thought may strike your consciousness, but without the process of thinking, it will remain unrevealed and lie ungerminated, like a seed in infertile soil. Such dried up thoughts sadden the Teacher, who sends these salutary signs through space. Centuries may be needed for the proper growth of a seed of thought.
"In schools the art of thinking should be studied above all. One should be trained in the art of constant thinking and learn to be ashamed of thoughtlessness. Man is unable not to think, but there is a great difference between harmonious, disciplined thinking and the oscillations of chaotic thoughtlessness, which not only influences man, but space itself. How can man dare to pollute all of space?
"Indeed, the time will come when mankind will finally realize the power of thought. And when man starts to study thought as a special science we may already be on the far-off worlds!"
Thus taught the Thinker, knowing how long it will be before man emerges from the waves of chaos.
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Supermundane Volume 1

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