Saturday, 14 January 2017

Felling Inadequate. Use Thought Power

Some intelligent people think they are helpless because they are not located in prominent positions of authority. REAL INFLUENCE IS NOT DUE TO POSITIONS OT AUTHORITY , BUT IS CAUSED BY CREATIVE THINKING. Creative thinking done on higher levels has more influence than a speech delivered to an assembly of people.
Thought energy penetrates into space and into the mental bodies of human beings., If there is willpower behind it and the thought-energy itself is in line with the Hierarchical Plan, it destroys many barriers on the mental plane and eventually provides food for those who are acting in higher positions. Ideas are available for those who can penetrate the mental plane and then share all that they receive from the mental plane with those who are physically affiliated with them. If you have a solution to a problem and your thoughts are really clear about it, you will mentally broadcast it into space.Many people will tune in with it, absorb it and use it to solve their problems.
-Torkom Saraydarian. The Psyche and Psychism Volume 2

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