Saturday, 27 December 2014

Overcoming self-defeat on the Path of Discipleship

No one can defeat a person if he does not defeat himself.We defeat ourselves with the defeating elements we manufacture in our physical, emotional and mental realms.A defeating element is a thought,word or action which is against beauty, goodness, truth, joy, honesty, nobility and purity. If you have defeating elements within you, you will never feel strong.And because you do not feel strong, you will never have the courage and daring to stand for truth, freedom and beauty, you will never have the courage to make discipleship commitments.
Only those whose hearts are not defeated by dark elements can dare to be disciples and can dare to stand in the life of discipleship and make spiritual commitment.Weak ones look for shallow and muddy waters in which to pass their time, but disciples try to climb where a summit exists.Powerful and victorious people are those who have no defeating factors in them.Never fear an enemy that is outside of you.Every outside enemy conquers you only through the enemy you have within you.
-Torkom Saraydarian,Challenges of Discipleship

Saturday, 22 November 2014

Qualities needed for the Healer

Qualities Required of the Healer

In the laws and rules which I have given, certain necessary characteristics of the healer are mentioned and certain needed requirements are indicated. These we should register first of all as they not only present qualities and attitudes which are essential to the successful practice of the healing art, but they indicate also why—up till the present time—there has been practically no successful or systematised healing of any patient under any of the current healing schools. There has been what I might call "accidental healing," due to the fact that the patient would have been healed anyway, for his hour to pass over had not yet arrived. Deliberate conscious healing, with full understanding, has only occurred when the healer was an initiate of high degree, patterning himself upon the life and the nature of the Christ.

Let us now look at the indicated qualities and attitudes. I will briefly enumerate and comment.

1. THW POWER TO CONTACT AND WORK AS A SOUL- "The art of the healer consists in releasing the soul." Think for a moment what this power involves. The healer is not only in immediate and conscious touch with his own soul, but through that soul contact he can easily contact the soul of his patient.

2. THE POWER TO COMMAND THE SPIRITUAL WILL-The particular law involved in the healing act must be "brought into activity by the spiritual will." This necessitates the capacity to make contact with the Spiritual Triad. Therefore, the antahkarana must be somewhat in process of construction.

3. THE POWER TO ESTABLISH TELEPATHIC RAPPORT- The healer must "know the inner stage of thought and of desire" of his patient.

4. HE MUST HAVE EXACT KNOWLEDGE- We read that he must "know the point exact through which relief must come." This is a most important point and one entirely overlooked by the so-called healers in such movements as Christian Science, Unity and others. Healing does not come through an intense affirmation of divinity, or by simply pouring out love and the expression of a vague mysticism. It comes through mastering an exact science of contact, of impression, of invocation, plus an understanding of the subtle apparatus of the etheric vehicle.

5. THE POWER TO REVERSE, REORIENT AND "EXALT" THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE PATIENT- The healer has to "lift the downward focussed eyes unto the soul." This refers to the eyes of the patient. This statement implies limitation, because if the patient is not at the stage in evolution where this is possible, and at the point in evolution where he can contact his own soul, the work of the healer is rendered inevitably futile. The sphere of action, therefore, of the spiritual healer is strictly limited to those who have faith. Faith, however, is the "evidence of things not seen"; that evidence is largely lacking in the majority. Faith is not wishful thinking or an engineered hope. It is evidence of a well-grounded conviction.

6. POWER TO DIRECT SOUL ENERGY TO THE NECESSARY AREA-. "The spiritual or the third eye then directs the healing force." This presupposes a scientific technique on the healer's part and the right functioning of the mechanism of received and directed force within the head.

7.POWER TO EXPRESS MAGNETIC PURITY AND THE NEEDED RADIANCE- "The healer must achieve magnetic purity...and attain dispelling radiance." This involves great personal discipline in the daily life, and the habit of pure living. Purity inevitably and automatically results in radiance.

8. POWER TO CONTROL MECHANISM OF THE HEAD-The healer must have "linked the centres in the head." The true healer has established a magnetic area within his head which presents itself or expresses itself through a definitely recognisable radiation.

9 POWER OVER HIS OWN CENTRES-. The healer has to "concentrate the needed energy within the needed centre." The centre in the patient's form which is nearest to the seat of the physical trouble has to be made receptive to the energy discharged into it by the corresponding centre in the healer's body. It will be obvious to you, therefore, how much knowledge and energy-control is required by the true healer.

10. POWER TO UTILISE BOTH THE EXOTERIC AND ESOTERIC METHODS OF HEALING-The healer will employ "methods of occult healing though the ordinary medical and surgical methods will not be withheld." I have constantly emphasised the God-given nature of experimental medicine—which is a phrase qualifying medicine today, and qualifying still more metaphysical healing. There is no need to call in a spiritual healer for broken bones or for those difficulties which orthodox medicine has already mastered. However, the patient's general morale and condition can be justifiably helped whilst wise surgery and ameliorating medical knowledge are applied. This the usual so-called metaphysical healer is apt to ignore. Healers will be divided eventually into two groups:

a. Those comprising definitely trained spiritual healers.

b. Healers with less developed power but with enough radiation and magnetism to aid in the ordinary healing process. These will usually work under the guidance of the spiritual healer.

11. POWER TO WORK MAGNETICALLY-"Thus he can pour the vital healing force upon the patient." This the healer does through a scientific coordination of his equipment, using the hands as a directing agent. In this way the disease can be healed, ameliorated or worsened, even to the point of death. The responsibility of the healer is therefore great.

12. POWER TO WORK WITH RADIATION-"Thus can his presence feed the soul life of the patient." This again is brought about through a system of coordination, but the agent of radiation is then the aura and not the hands.

13. POWER TO PRACTISE AT ALL TIMES COMPLETE HARMLESSNESS- "The method used by the Perfect harmlessness." This, we are told, involves a positive expression of poise, an inclusive point of view, and divine understanding. How many healers combine these three qualities and also work through love?

14. POWER TO CONTROL THE WILL AND WORK THROUGH LOVE-"The healer...must keep the will in leash." This is one of the most difficult qualities to be developed, for the will of the healer is frequently so potent in its determination to bring about a healing that it renders the effort to apply that healing process entirely futile. From the reverse angle, frequently the sentimental and mystical desire to love the patient negates all efforts to hold the will in leash. Remember, brother of mine, the spiritual will must be present as a quiet deep pool of power behind all expression of the energy of love.

15. POWER EVENTUALLY TO WIELD THE LAW OF LIFE- Of this little can be said, for it can only be wielded by those who have developed or who are rapidly developing the consciousness of the Spiritual Triad—a very rare thing as yet.

In the study of these requirements there is no need for discouragement. Such a study will serve to set a needed goal for all healers in the New Age.

-Holy Master D.K. through Alice Bailey, Esoteric Healing

Friday, 21 November 2014

Right Thinking and Character Building

Spiritual evolution implies a process, and process implies time. It implies mistakes. With some people, their conscience is oversensitive. They think that they are the worst people on earth when they make a small mistake . 
If you keep on recalling the wrong things you have done and you keep on criticizing yourself, it will be almost impossible to correct the mistake or remove the vice. What you meditate on , you become. What should you do?First,mentally erase the unwholesome event. Then imagine you are doing, saying and feeling the right think. Imagine, too , that the other person involved is reacting in the right way. Why?This is the power of materialization.
What you think repeatedly with certainty will tend to manifest. Repeated wholesome thoughts and emotions manifest as wholesome action;repeated wholesome actions manifest as a virtue. The same holds true for negative thoughts.
-Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul

Saturday, 1 November 2014

Cultivating the virtue of Faith

How to obtain faith?We can obtain it from those who have it. Faith is very contagious. It is electrical;once you receive it, it charges ou for a long time.
We can obtain faith by following the history of our life and seeing the dangers and troubles we passed through with invisible help.We can consider how an invisible hand guided us to the right plaves, to the right people, to the right conditions in which we grew.
We can obtain faith by living a life of service, sacrifice, and purity. We can obtain faith by reading the lives of Great Ones and pondering upon their Teachings.
We can obtain faith through steady, regular meditation. Steady, regular meditation takes us eventually to the Spheres of Intuition where faith starts. When the Fourth Cosmic Ether, or the Intuitional substance, penetrates our etheric, emotional, and mental bodies, we feel charged with faith.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Leadership-Volume 1

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Offering of the Student

The student must be ready to bring his offering to his Teacher before he is admitted. This offering is not flowers, money, body, material articles but Higher Treasuries such as various TALENTS that can be used for the work; various inner ACHIEVEMENTS that profit the efforts of the Teacher; SILENCE and the control of speech which does not create disturbances in the aura of the Teacher and which can be used for service; various VIRTUES that can be used in the labor of the Teacher.
The student must be somebody. He must have something to offer. This is why he is left for a long time by himself. He must prove his sincerity, his aspiration, his willpower, his striving, his gratitude, his labor, and his service
-Torkom Saraydarian, Leadership-Volume 1

Currents of Thought

Thought is sometimes compared with the ocean--the comparison is plausible. Each man has three basic currents of thought. A superficial one--from the flesh, connected with muscular reflections, obvious in the external life. The second already concerns the heart, and contributes to improvement and progress in the subtle feelings. And finally, in the depths of the consciousness is being conceived the achievement of self-renunciation--here the Fiery World will be near. Each man can touch all Worlds; even in the routine of his everyday life he can choose the type of thinking he desires.
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Fiery World 3

Saturday, 4 October 2014


At times people are ready to admit the power of thought, but they do not apply this admission to themselves. They dream of great thoughts but will not discipline the small ones. They will ask how to transmute thought into action. One must begin by disciplining the smallest thoughts and then, only, create a thought that moves mountains. The advice about disciplining small thoughts is the inception of bringing health to the heart. Do not rely upon a variety of outer pranayamas. The path of Agni Yoga is through the heart, but the heart must be aided by disciplining thoughts. Disorderly thoughts are like vermin, they injure the subtle substance.
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Heart

Tuesday, 30 September 2014


Autosuggestion and Healing

There are many people who think they will die young of they will have a bad sickness or a life of suffering. Most of these thoughts are imported suggestions and impressions from other minds , or even traces of memories from previous lives; the person often has no reason to think negatively about his health and success. But anyhow, he does , using auto suggestion in a negative way. Thus auto-suggestion eventually becomes a powerful post-hypnotic suggestion and controls his life.
Instead of using auto-suggestion in a negative way, one can think optimistically , with trust and confidence, that his health is going to improve , that he is going to live long enough to serve and help people, and that all healing power is within him . Such a trust creates immediate effects on the health of the person, and in a short time great improvement can be seen not only in the body but also the psychology of the man.
-Torkom Saraydarian, New Dimensions of Healing

Thursday, 18 September 2014

The meaning of Authentic Power

"Power comes from the pen.  So if you can influence the minds and emotions of people worldwide, you have real power. You can change history or you can change the destiny, or the future of people. As simple as that! That is real power. This has evolutionary and spiritualizing effect."
-Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Extracted from a video aired on the Occasion of Founders Day

Wednesday, 17 September 2014


Why knowing the Past Lives is discouraged in the Ageless Wisdom

The Ageless Wisdom never encourages people to discover or to be occupied with their past lives, but rather it encourages them to look to future possibilities and strive toward a glorious future.
The reason for this is that what we think as of our past lives are mostly
1. Fabrications of our desires, wishes and dreams
2.Dramatizations of our thoughtforms.
3.The mixture of events reflected in our astral mirror.
4.Subconscious discharges
5.Identification with thoughtforms created by masses.
-Torkom Saraydarian, The Suboconscious Mind and the Chalice

Sunday, 14 September 2014

Doing Service in a Group-Agni Yoga

The Teacher rejoices when collective labor is possible. Rejection of collective labor is ignorance. Only a lofty individuality finds within itself the measure of collective concepts. So long as the personality fears collective work, it is not yet individualized; it still remains in the stifling atmosphere of selfhood. Only true discernment of the indestructibility of freedom permits adherence to collective labor. Only through such true mutual respect can we attain the realization of harmonious labor--in other words, attain active good. In this good is kindled the fire of the heart; hence each manifestation of harmonious labor is so joyous. Such labor augments the psychic energy unusually. Let the work be carried out at least in short united labor; even if for brief periods at first, it must be in complete accord and intent upon success. In the beginning, fatigue because of disunity is unavoidable, but later the coordinated collective force will multiply the energy tenfold. Thus, even in small nuclei one can thrust forward the prototype of world progress.
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Fiery World-Volume 1

Friday, 12 September 2014

What happens when we read the books of the Great Ones?

Reading the Teaching of Great Ones creates a magnetic field in our aura. This is not mysticism but science. When our thoughts are electrically fused with the thoughts, visions, and revelations of a Great One, a current of energy from the sphere of His thought is created and accumulated in our aura, purifying, transforming,
and sublimating it, and expanding the field of its radiation.

It does not matter when His words were pronounced. Higher thoughts of the Great Ones are like an electrical network which persists for ages around the globe. One can tune in or key in with such an electrical sphere just by reading Their words with concentration,
with faith, and with heart. As one focuses his whole being in greater concentration within the ideas of the words, greater becomes the flow of energy into his aura.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Thought and the Glory of Thinking

The Karma of Lying to others

If you want to understand very deep spiritual teachings or develop sharpness and clarity of mind, you must practice honesty towards other people and yourself. This is very important. Why?When a person lies or fools other people, he generates the negative karma of distorting the perception of other people. Consequently, his own perception will be distorted. This is why when he is presented with a simple truth, he cannot understand it. Understanding truth under such conditions is not karmically permissible. Why is it not karmically permissible. Because the person keeps on lying.
-Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Achieving Oneness with the Higher Soul

Saturday, 6 September 2014

Gratitude , Gratitude and Gratitude

We are told that the Forces of Light abandon a person who acts against his benefactor with ingratitude. We are not accepted into higher levels of awareness and service unless we demonstrate deep and sincere gratitude to all those who helped us. We must never betray them with our thoughts, emotions and words, because the higher planes of awareness belong to those great Souls who live in the spirit of Oneness, in the light of beauty, and in the fire of sacrifice. An ungrateful one is devoid of unity, beauty and sacrifice
-Torkom Saraydarian, The Psyche and Psychism

Wednesday, 3 September 2014

The Law of Karma

Based on the Principle of Spiritual Oneness, whatever a person does to others he does to himself. Spiritually, the causes set within the inner world will inevitably materialize unless a neutralizing factor is set in motion. The fruits may be pleasant or unpleasant depending on the nature of the seed that was planted.This is called the Law of Karma.
Based on the Principle of Spiritual Oneness, by killing or hurting other people, one is doing it to oneself many, many times. The negative karmic effect will inevitably manifest.
By giving and sharing generously one will be blessed with great abundance and prosperity. By giving and sharing generously, one is actually giving to oneself many, many, times.This positive karmic effect will inevitably manifest.
-Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, The Existence of God is Self-Evident.

Sunday, 31 August 2014

The hidden Side behind Lighting Candles

Whenever we light a candle, a fiery deva appears and dances around it. Three types of devas appear-orange, blue and violet. That is why we light candles. One of the devas attracts germs, microbes, and viruses in the air and burns them. People think that lighting a candle in temples is just for effect and show off. It is not. It is a means of communication with the deva kingdom. When you take the lighted candle in your hand, understand that you have fiery devas around you.
The same thing happens when you light candles at home. All three kinds appear. You attract them. Wherever there is a candle, it changes the room. The candles must be wax, however, not tallow.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Transformation

Saturday, 30 August 2014

Karma and Striving

Karma is the sickness of the past. Its cure lies in the future. Precisely, he who wishes to be liberated from the past should strive into the future. Striving with one’s entire being protects one from downfalls; take for example the movingheavenly bodies. Thus, remember that I have pointed out how to walk upon the water, but I have never said that one can stand upon it. Karma can be changed by an irresistible striving
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich , Heirarchy

Thursday, 28 August 2014

Ganesha and his Broken Tusk-Inner Meaning

Why is one of Ganesha's tusks broken?Although he is very smart and powerful, he is harmless. He practices Ahimsa. Although, Ganesha is very smart, he does not use his intelligence improperly, he doesn't oppress others or terrorize them.

In the past, you were like the old Ganesha. The teacher had to come and slay your old self, destroy your old concepts and your old habits. Your old lower nature had to be destroyed so that your spiritual aspect can be developed, which is symbolized by the bringing up of the kundalini energy to the head.
-Grand Master Choa Kok Sui,Inner Teachings of Hinduism Revealed.

Tuesday, 26 August 2014

The Heart of an Arhat

The heart of an Arhat is like the Heart of Cosmos. The heart of an Arhat is like the fire of the sun. Eternity and the motion of Cosmos fill the heart of the Arhat. Maitreya is coming, radiant with all fires. His Heart is aflame with compassion for destitute humanity. His Heart is aflame with the affirmation of the new Covenants.
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Hierarchy

Monday, 25 August 2014

Jealously can be overcome only through the exercise of identification with the one of whom you are jealous. Be him, be her, and see yourself
-In his beauty
-In his talent
-In his position
-In his glory
-In his success
-In his prosperity

Through identification with the other person , you draw those same elements to yourself of which you were initially jealous.

Pray and bless those who are
-More beautiful than you are
-More successful than you are
-Happier than you are
-More prosperous than you are
-More talented than you are.

The Law says to recognize greatness in others and rejoice in it if you want to find the path to greatness.

-Torkom Saraydarian. Leadership-Volume 3

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Self-confrontation and Conscious Living

The first step towards self-actualization is an attitude in which man confronts himself. This confrontation is oneself is the secret of conscious living. Confrontation is the only way we can start living consciously , "Why am I doing these things?Why I am speaking these things?Why am I living this way ?Why am I thinking this way or that way?When you start confronting yourself, you start awakening , for no one can awake you expect yourself.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Questioning Traveller and Karma

Monday, 18 August 2014

Connecting the Lower Mind and Higher Mind

The thoughts given to us by Teachers are mostly related to the higher mental or Intuitional Planes. We listen to them with both layers of the mind, but the thoughts fade away from the lower mind in a short time, and only the higher impressions remain in our higher mind. The higher mind referred to here in the "abstract mind". The registration of the thoughts has faded from the lower mind and man does not remember them because of lack of a bridge between the higher and lower mind.
As we try to bring these impressions down to the "conscious" or lower mind, we build a communication line of mental matter between these two levels of the mind. Such a communication line can be used.
1. In lectures and in writings, in recitations and in dramatic performances, to bring into the lower mind and into practical usage all that was accumulated in the higher mind.
2. As a channel of inspiration from the higher sources, and as a line of approach for the lower man to higher values
3. To bring in the lessons learned in spiritual contacts, in subjective classes or Ashrams, into practical application
4. To develop continuity of consciousness between different planes.

-Torkom Saraydarian, The Creative Fire

Saturday, 16 August 2014

The meaning of True Service

Oft an aspirant says to himself: "Of what real use am I? How can I, in my small sphere, be of service to the world?" Let me reply to these questions by pointing out that by thinking this book into the minds of the public, by expressing before your fellow men the teaching it imparts, and by a life lived in conformity with its teaching, your service is very real.

This will necessarily involve a pledging of the entire personality to the helping of humanity, and the promise to the Higher Self that endeavour will be made to lose sight of self in service—a service to be rendered in the place and under the circumstances which a man's destiny and duty have imposed upon him. I mean a renewal of the effort to bring about the purification of all the bodies so that the entire lower man may be a pure channel and instrument through which spiritual force may flow unimpeded. I mean the attaining of an attitude wherein the aspirant desires nothing for the separated self, and in which he regards all that he has as something which he can lay upon the altar of sacrifice for the aiding of his brethren. Could all who read this book see the results of such a united effort, there would emerge a group activity, intelligently undertaken, which would achieve great things. So many people run hither and thither after this individual or that, or this piece of work or that, and, working with lack of intelligent co-ordination, achieve nothing and no group results. But united group effort would eventuate in an inspired reorganisation of the entire world, and the elimination of hindrances; there would be the making of real sacrifices and the giving up of personal wishes and desires in order that group purposes may be served.

-Holy Master D.K. through Alice Bailey, Esoteric Psychology-Volume 1

Monday, 28 July 2014

Abdul Wadud Amin Quote

Sowing of Spiritual Seeds

A traveler is in need of indications. Success is a very sensitive flower. The seeds can be planted only at a designated time. One must leave the house in time. But when the Teacher ordains the sowing, not a moment should be lost. Only children can think that if today has passed, tomorrow will be better. But a courageous mind understands that success that is missed will not be repeated. Even the sun does not shine uniformly. Refinement of understanding should be developed. The complexity of the time will increase. He who did not discriminate yesterday will not be resourceful tomorrow. The Teacher foresees an undeferrable, immediate sowing.
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Hierarchy


Friday, 25 July 2014

Avoiding Criticism

Criticism leads to barriers and loss of time. Learn to distinguish the spirit of criticism from the ability to analyse and make practical application of the analysis. Learn to analyse life, circumstances and people from the angle of the work, and not from the angle of your personality point of view; analyse also from the angle of the Ashram, and not from the angle of the executive or the schoolmaster upon the physical plane.
-Holy Master D.K. through Alice Bailey,Discipleship in the New Age-Volume 2

Can one be on the path without a Teacher?

The poor teachers have still another card to play. They say that man has a teacher within him and he can be a disciple of His Higher Self, or his Inner Teacher. This card is very dangerous, and often people lose when this card is played.
Those who have experience know that not only do some people not have an Inner Teacher, but they also do not have a soul to claim existence. All that they are, are urges and drives, conflicting emotions, and imported thoughts.
The Inner Teacher of a person cannot contact a nonexisting human being. A living Teacher is needed to put the person in contact with the Inner Teacher, and the Inner Teacher will put him in contact with his true Self.
False teachers have another secret card. They say that when a person finds his Self and knows his Self, then he has no need for a Teacher. Here they also err because they think in term of finites.
There is no true achievement that does not have a vision beyonf one's horizon. The path of achievements is an infinite path. The greatest one is a small disciple of the one who is beyond him by a few light years. Thus those who find their true Self see for the first time a Cosmic path leading to the feet of their greater Teacher
-Torkom Saraydarian, Challenges of Discipleship


Monday, 21 July 2014

The Danger in Flattery

My Teacher used to tell us to be careful when we praise someone or flatter someone. We may build an image in him for which he is not ready.
Sometimes we do not understand the difference between encouragement and praise.
In encouragement we stimulate the potentials that are in a person. In praising we build an image, the potentials of which are probably not active yet.
There is also the other side of this story. A person, because of his glamors and vanities, tries to build an image for which he is not ready. The Teacher or the leader or the father or mother tries to warn him that he should not build an image that he cannot justify or bear.
This is also a very difficult job because you are hated when you build an image that surpasses the person’s reality and when you prevent the person who tries to build an image for which he is not ready.
How much tactfulness is necessary so as not to awaken hatred or complicate the progress of people with all your good intentions!
-Torkom Saraydarian, The Mystery of Self Image

Friday, 18 July 2014

Signs of Knowing if you are Under the Influence of Dark Forces

How do you feel if you are under the influence of dark forces?
First of all, you feel as if someone else is operating your "car". You notice that your mind is being operated by some mysterious force outside yourself. This force thinks for you;it leads your mind towards certain directions. You feel that these are not your thoughts and not your directions. You feel as if your emotions are being automatic. You lose control of them and notice that certain emotions control you and your life.
You notice that you sometimes talk without wanting to talk, or keep silent when you intended to say something. You notice at other times how you said certain things which you never have normally said. You see yourself making certain unconscious body movements and gestures which you did not intend to make. You even notice that your hands and feet are under the control of a mysterious force.
Other signs are that you do, see or think in contradictory ways, and you sometimes change your position from one camp to another. This eventually leads to insanity, a state in which ou lose your bearings and your identity. You lose control control over your urges,drives,glamors,illusions and vanity and turn into a broken branch in the rapids of the river of life.You fall into depression or rise to the summits of hilarity, You become pessimistic, suicidal, and hopeless or engage yourself in crime.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Battling Dark Forces:A Guide to Self Defence

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

Daring over Inaction-What Agni Says

It is astonishing to see how people spoil their own lives without reason or sense by depriving themselves of possibilities that are theirs by right. It is astonishing to see how readily people diminish boundaries expanded over lifetimes. We say that it is better to act in error than to commit the error of inaction. Daring in action contains in itself its own justification; it applies pressure that multiplies the energy. Is it possible to ignite the flaming spirit through inaction? By pointing out the necessity for joining with Us in action, We draw you into the spiral of this special pressure. Truly, in this spiral one can only ascend; it must be protected as a dynamo of the most precious energy.
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Agni Yoga

Monday, 7 July 2014


The Sons of Men are one and
I am one with them.
I seek to love, not hate;
I seek to serve and not exact
due service;
I seek to heal, not hurt.

Let pain bring due reward of
light and love.
Let the soul control the outer form,
And life, and all events,
And bring to light the love
That underlies the happenings of the

Let vision come and insight.
Let the future stand revealed.
Let inner union demonstrate,
And outer cleavages be gone.
Let love prevail.
Let all men love.

-Holy Master D.K. through Alice .A. Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age-Volume 2

Friday, 4 July 2014

Healing quality of positive emotions

Any thought of joy has healing power. Even amidst sorrows one can find signs of love and compassion. Let these signposts help the weary traveler. Scientists must learn how much the rhythm of joy opens the gates to an influx of psychic energy. Science should demonstrate how the power of joy heals. … One must strive ardently toward the renewal of life. Everyone can think of heroism, of joy, and of exalted love. Everyone can gain the power of the healing remedy and spread these emanations in every direction.

The Thinker said, “Sorrow is transitory, joy is everlasting. Love the Light and Love the Beautiful."

-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Supermundane Volume 4

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Blessings and Reduction and Karmic Repercussion

There are times when one unintentionally sends negative energy to others out of anger. A person may go into an emotional outburst but realizes later on that he has made a mistake; he then apologizes. To psychically compensate, he sends blessings to the unintended victim. In such a situation, the karmic repercussion is minimal.
-Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Psychic Self Defense for Home and Office