Saturday, 1 November 2014

Cultivating the virtue of Faith

How to obtain faith?We can obtain it from those who have it. Faith is very contagious. It is electrical;once you receive it, it charges ou for a long time.
We can obtain faith by following the history of our life and seeing the dangers and troubles we passed through with invisible help.We can consider how an invisible hand guided us to the right plaves, to the right people, to the right conditions in which we grew.
We can obtain faith by living a life of service, sacrifice, and purity. We can obtain faith by reading the lives of Great Ones and pondering upon their Teachings.
We can obtain faith through steady, regular meditation. Steady, regular meditation takes us eventually to the Spheres of Intuition where faith starts. When the Fourth Cosmic Ether, or the Intuitional substance, penetrates our etheric, emotional, and mental bodies, we feel charged with faith.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Leadership-Volume 1

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