Tuesday, 30 September 2014

Autosuggestion and Healing

There are many people who think they will die young of they will have a bad sickness or a life of suffering. Most of these thoughts are imported suggestions and impressions from other minds , or even traces of memories from previous lives; the person often has no reason to think negatively about his health and success. But anyhow, he does , using auto suggestion in a negative way. Thus auto-suggestion eventually becomes a powerful post-hypnotic suggestion and controls his life.
Instead of using auto-suggestion in a negative way, one can think optimistically , with trust and confidence, that his health is going to improve , that he is going to live long enough to serve and help people, and that all healing power is within him . Such a trust creates immediate effects on the health of the person, and in a short time great improvement can be seen not only in the body but also the psychology of the man.
-Torkom Saraydarian, New Dimensions of Healing

1 comment:

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