Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Saggitarius Full Moon

ry to make your goals, especially in this full moon. Two days before the full moon, the full moon day, and two days after, you are going to examine yourself and find out what the goal of your life is. Why are you here? Of course you have lots of goals: to provide clothes for your physical body, a house to live in, and nice food are all necessary. A car, donkeys, and so on also are necessary, but are these the goals of your life? Is there something else? What kind of goals do you have?
By watching your goals and seeing your mental activities, your consciousness, you can pretty well decide where you are. If you are in the negative line, destructive line, selfish line, it means you do not have real goals. Every real goal that you find in your life becomes a stepping stone leading you to your ultimate purpose in life.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Wisdom of the Zodiac Volume 3

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