Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Compensations on the Path

The difficulties and the trials which the disciple experiences upon the Way are, as you have discovered, only relative; they are oft offset by the pouring in of a sense of inner release. The compensations on the Way are not so often considered as are the difficulties. In the human being there is ever a tendency towards sorrow and suffering which has eventually to be negated; this tendency is one of the problems which the Hierarchy has to face, as it seeks strenuously, at this time, to lift mankind out of the morass in which it finds itself. This "tendency to misery," founded as it is on an attitude of mind, is of such ancient habit that it seems inconceivable to man that a different point of view and a totally different reaction to life affairs could ever be possible. I am referring to this because (in the midst of problems and tests) you are discovering the Way of Compensation. Do you think, my brother, that you could write a paper on this theme, "Compensations on the Way," for the helping of your fellowmen and for the stabilising of your own inner attitude?
-Holy Master D.K through Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age Volume 1

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