Tuesday, 27 December 2016

The Rest of an Arhat

Does an Arhat rest? You already know that a change of labor is rest, but the true repose of an Arhat is his thought about the Beautiful. Amidst various labors, thought about the Beautiful is the bridge and power and stream of benevolence. Let us weigh a thought of evil and a thought of good, and we shall prove to ourselves that the beautiful thought is more powerful. Let us organically analyze different thoughts, and we shall see that a beautiful thought is a treasury of health. In beautiful thinking an Arhat beholds the ladder of ascent. In this active thinking is the Arhat’s repose. In what else can we find another source of benevolence? Thus can we remember when we are especially oppressed. When the shutters of selfhood are being fastened everywhere, when fires are extinguished in the darkness, is it not the time to reflect about the Beautiful? We anticipate a miracle, we strive to break the lock, but the ladder of the Arhat is only in the Beautiful. Let us not sully, let us not belittle this path! Only thereby will we attract that which seems so miraculous. And the miracle, is it not the indissoluble bond with Hierarchy? In this bond lies all of physics, and mechanics, and chemistry, and the panacea for all things. It seems possible with a little striving to move all obstacles, but the fulfillment of this condition is immeasurably difficult for people! Why have they clipped the wings of beauty?
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Fiery World 1

Monday, 19 December 2016

Some Basic Truths as enunciated by Torkom Saraydarian

There are basic ideas on which your mind must stand:
1. You are Immortal
2.Nothing can hurt you
-not water
not fire
not earth
not wind
not enemies
not time
3.No one can take away from you whatever YOU HAVE in your essence. All properties that you have in the physical world exist in your essence. In astral and mental planes, they are yours m and they will be yours when you come back to the physical plane.
4. All the love that you haev will be yours in all coming lives. All the labor and service that you have started will increase in coming centuries.
5. Once you have, nothing can be lost.
Once you know, no one can take that knowledge from you.
Once you plan, it will actualize
6.No one can stop your labor and service forever. It will run in a stronger flow.

But remember
-All that you have must be a result of your LABOR.
-You will not steal or take anything from others.
-All that you stole will go back to its true owners.
-All that you took by invasion will be taken away from you.
-All that will remain with you is that which you earned with your earnest righteous labor-all that you earned by legal means.
-Things will be taken from you which you do not own in truth.
-If there is no true unity, you will be separated.
-All that you are will remain with you.
-All that you are not will be taken from you.
-All that is your knowledge will stay with you.
-All that is not your knowledge will be taken from you.
~Torkom Saraydarian, The Subconscious Mind and the Chalice

Friday, 16 December 2016

Difficulties expected on the Path

Can a worthy man meet on the path viper or scorpion or tarantula? Indeed he can. The longer the path, the more encounters. The difference is merely in this, that the faint-hearted can be stung, but the courageous will not be hurt. Thus, let us not consider that the best messengers will not be marked by the dark creatures. Let us call to mind all the examples.
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Fiery World 3

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Saggitarius Full Moon

ry to make your goals, especially in this full moon. Two days before the full moon, the full moon day, and two days after, you are going to examine yourself and find out what the goal of your life is. Why are you here? Of course you have lots of goals: to provide clothes for your physical body, a house to live in, and nice food are all necessary. A car, donkeys, and so on also are necessary, but are these the goals of your life? Is there something else? What kind of goals do you have?
By watching your goals and seeing your mental activities, your consciousness, you can pretty well decide where you are. If you are in the negative line, destructive line, selfish line, it means you do not have real goals. Every real goal that you find in your life becomes a stepping stone leading you to your ultimate purpose in life.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Wisdom of the Zodiac Volume 3

Monday, 12 December 2016

Service and Overcoming Difficulties

The path of the disciple is a thorny one; briars beset his every step, and difficulties meet him at every turn. Yet in the treading of the path, in the overcoming of the difficulties, and in a single-hearted adherence to the good of the group, with a proportionate attention to the individuals and their evolutionary development, comes at length fruition, and the attainment of the goal. A SERVER of the race stands forth. He is a server because he has no ends of his own to serve, and from his lower sheaths goes out no vibration which can beguile him from his chosen path. He serves, because he knows what is in man, and because for many lives he has worked with individuals and with groups, gradually expanding the range of his endeavour until he has gathered around him those units of consciousness whom he can energise, and use, and through whom he can work out the plans of his superiors. Such is the goal, but the immediate stages are fraught with difficulty for all who stand on the verge of self-discovery, and of becoming the Path itself.
-Holy Master D.K. through Alice Bailey, Initiation Human and Solar

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Blessings - Importance

Why is it that some people don’t use the energy of blessing? Instead of blessing people and events, instead of looking at life from the viewpoint of blessing, they curse it. They create attitudes and actions that separate, distort, destroy, and stop the flow of the energy of blessing. The electricity of the energy of bliss is cut by hatred, fear, anger, jealousy, revenge, slander, and gossip. Negative thinking and hopelessness stop the flow of electricity. And because 80% of humanity is in these negative attitudes, emotions, and states of consciousness, they don’t let the current of divine energy flow out of them.
This energy of blessing flows through certain people more than others. Their secret is that they use it, and others don’t use it. The energies that you use in the Universe increase — especially your blessings, love, gratitude, gracefulness, humility, and beauty. As you use these energies you increase them, because as you use them you draw more from your Core. As the Core opens, the flow of energy, the current, increases in your life.
What then is the blessing? It is the current of energy coming from your Inner Core. It doesn’t even matter so much who is blessing you because every human being has the God-capacity within. It is only necessary to stand totally neutral so that the current flows through you, as the electricity flows through the wires. What does blessing do? Blessing a human being enlightens his mind, expands his consciousness, and then changes his level of being. So it is always wonderful to be blessed.
-Torkom Saraydarian , Autibiography

Friday, 9 December 2016

Altering Karma

The law of Cosmos is adamant, but at the same time we see apparent fluctuations of it. If we take karma, affirmation of karma too can be changed, just as the span between returns to carnate life may vary in different cases—from an instant to millennia. Those who do not know will be perplexed as to how such steadfastness can be at the same time so variable. Such ignorance will merely prove the lack of understanding of containment.
People also fail to understand which energy serves as the deciding factor. In all the cosmic amplitudes the basic factor is thought; it can alter karma, it can determine dates, it opens gates, and it can close them. It grows wing-rays from the shoulders. It can lead one close to the Higher World or precipitate one into the abyss. The manifestation of law rests on thought. The great wisdom of thought is a shield and a guard against chaos. Thought actually rules over the fury of chaos.
Truly, the law of Cosmos is immutable, but it is illumined by thought and therefore goal-fitting. Understanding of co-measurement only teaches comprehension of the fundamental law.
Thus, let us always remember creative thought. Aum!
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, AUM

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Compensations on the Path

The difficulties and the trials which the disciple experiences upon the Way are, as you have discovered, only relative; they are oft offset by the pouring in of a sense of inner release. The compensations on the Way are not so often considered as are the difficulties. In the human being there is ever a tendency towards sorrow and suffering which has eventually to be negated; this tendency is one of the problems which the Hierarchy has to face, as it seeks strenuously, at this time, to lift mankind out of the morass in which it finds itself. This "tendency to misery," founded as it is on an attitude of mind, is of such ancient habit that it seems inconceivable to man that a different point of view and a totally different reaction to life affairs could ever be possible. I am referring to this because (in the midst of problems and tests) you are discovering the Way of Compensation. Do you think, my brother, that you could write a paper on this theme, "Compensations on the Way," for the helping of your fellowmen and for the stabilising of your own inner attitude?
-Holy Master D.K through Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age Volume 1