Friday, 4 November 2016

Triangle Work- Guided by Stephen Co.

We will do what is taught by the Holy Master Dhjwal Khul, where we make triangles.
Pick two people. Choose Wisely. The Higher their Energy level, the higher they pull you up. You may not want choose someone who is angry or upset. You may want to pick up someone who is spiritually more evolved. They dont have to be physically alive.
Open your palms. Be aware of your heart. Imagine a GOLDEN LIGHT. A beautiful GOLDEN LIGHT from your HEART connecting to the First person. Then from your heart,visualize a GOLDEN LIGHT connecting to the second person and a Beautiful GOLDEN LIGHT connecting their HEART Centers.
Gently Touch your FOREHEAH Area. From your Forehead, Imagine a GOLDEN LIGHT Dto the First person.Then from your forehead to the second person. Then with their foreheads, connecting the second higher Triangle.
Raise your hands in Blessing. Between you and the other two Beings or persons, inside the Golden Triangles is the Planet Earth. We will chant OM three times and for the GREAT INVOCATION , follow silently.
-Master Stephen Co, Extract from March Full Moon Meditation 2016

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