Thursday, 17 November 2016

The Principle of Now

Principle of Now. During deep meditation, sometimes the meditator may experience a state of consciousness that is called Now, where the past, present and future are experienced as One or Now. To understand this concept, it must be specified that the experience of Now is not static but dynamic. The present is constantly becoming the past and the immediate future is constantly becoming the present. And the distant future is dynamic. The future that is being experienced at that moment is not static. It is dynamic. To comprehend this concept of Now, imagine that there are one million super computers connected and gridded together. The super computers have built-in programs. All data have already been inputted and the moment the new data are encoded, the gridded super computers. would almost instantaneously come out with the projected future outcome or events. The past, the present and the future are experienced simultaneously.
-Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, The Existence of God is Self-Evident

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