Sunday, 13 November 2016

Effects of Speech

Speech is of triple kind. The idle words will each produce effect. If good and kind, naught need be done. If otherwise, the paying of the price cannot be long delayed.
The selfish words, sent forth with strong intent, build up a wall of separation. Long time it takes to break that wall and so release the stored-up, selfish purpose. See to thy motive, and seek to use those words which blend thy little life with the large purpose of the will of God.
The word of hate, the cruel speech which ruins those who feel the spell, the poisonous gossip, passed along because it gives a thrill - these words kill the flickering impulses of the soul, cut at the roots of life, and so bring death.
If spoken in the light of day, just retribution will they bring; when spoken and then registered as lies, they strengthen that illusory world in which the speaker lives, and holds him back from liberation.
If uttered with intent to hurt, to bruise and kill, they wander back to him who sent them forth, and him they bruise and kill.
-Holy Master D.K. through Alice Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic

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