Sunday 3 September 2017

Karma as Opportunity

Events are the effects of Certain causes . When one is involved in such an event,it is his ATTITUDE towards the event that is the effect of his past karma,not the event in which he is involved.The same event occurring in the life of three persons is reacted to in three different ways:
1.One takes it as his karma and learns a lesson
2.The second looks at the same event as the event of some causes which he wants to investigate
3.The third ignores the event entirely.

It is the attitude that transforms the motive of the event.
Our response,or reaction , out attitude ,is built by the forces which we put in motion in the past.
Events have collective causes,but our attitude towards any event is built up within us by our own hands.
These three people are like three surfers. The waves rise. One surfs and reaches the shore.Another person falls in the ocean but saves his life. The third  perishes.
The skill,the muscles ,the art of surfing correspond to their individual karma,but the rising waves are caused by collective karma.
Sometimes when we are in a tense state of relationship with someone we justify continuing such a condition thinking that "it is our karma".
But if your private,individual karma is favourable in every crisis,you will find an opportunity to heal,to transform,to lead instead of falling into the current of painful crises.
Pain and suffering come to people as the result of collective karma,but some people perish in pain and suffering. Some people use the situation as a great challenge their inner potentials. Some others entirely transform themselves ,using the situation as a very rare opportunity.

Torkom Saraydarian,Karma and Reincarnation

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