Saturday 26 August 2017

Inner Meanings of the Great Invocation

The Great Invocation is not only a sketch of the Plan but also a means of redemption.

The first three verses of the Invocation of refer to
b. Transformation
c. Transfiguration

The fourth verse refers to

and the fifth verse refers to

In Transmutation,the fire of the Mind is  evoked."Let Light descend on Earth"(physical etheric Earth)
In Transformation,the Love of the Great Soul is invoked , "May Christ return to Earth"
The Earth here refers to the astral and physical planes ,where the activity of Christ will be concentrated.We know that "Aquarian" energy will bring a potent transformation in the "watery" realm of the astral plane. We also know that ,He is the "Forerunner of the Aquarian Age"
and "the dispenser of the Water of Life".
In Transfiguration,the fire of the Triad is released. This corresponds to the third verse of the "Great Invocation".
"Let purpose guide the little wills of Men".The "wills" of the physical,emotional and mental bodies are suspended by the will of the Triad.We know that the purpose of the microcosm ia contacted after the Third Initiation or after Transfiguration.
The fourth verse of the Great Invocation refers to JOY.Joy is an agent of redemption and makes "the Plan of Love and Light work out".As the Plan works out, the joy increases,because the Plan and Joy are from the same substance, the same energy.
The last verse of the Great Invocation refers to the energy and the technique of blessing. The restoration of the Plan is the culmnation of the energy of blessing. "Let light and love and power restore the Plan on Earth".Blessing is the radiation of Light,of Love,of Power towards the Earth-the physical Earth,the emotional Earth and the mental Earth.

-Torkom Saraydarian ,Science of Meditation

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