Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Silence and Self Respect

You must keep silent about your own personal affairs and personal relationships. When you are dealing with your co-workers as a leader or as a co-worker, words about personal affairs and personal relationships bring down the entire spiritual work to lower levels and make it impotent, unmagnetic, and harmful.
Once you bring down your image to the level of your personal affairs, complaints, and relationships, you eventually build a low-level image of yourself and you lose trust or faith in yourself. This image is a thoughtform which hangs around you and discourages you in all your attempts of daring and striving. It weakens your faith. You no longer respect yourself, and people slowly lose their respect for you. When you lose your respect for yourself, you want to take revenge on yourself. You take yourself away from the Path and from the Teaching so that you do not have any reason to be uncomfortable with your image.
If you want to be somebody, something, in the progressive efforts of the world, he must not lose his trust and respect for himself.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Leadership Volume 1

Monday, 27 March 2017

Spiritual Immunization

The immersion in a pool of muddy water is a necessary process for one’s spiritual development, whether in the incarnation or in the past incarnations.When a person has always been living in a medically sterile environment, the body will not survive when exposed to the outside world because it does not have a strong, experienced immune defence system to handle the disease causing microbes in the real world. .A disciple who has been living in a spiritually sanitized and protected environment will succumb to vices because the soul does not have sufficient experience or the inner strength to overcome the actual conditions in the real world. 

-Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Origin of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga

Wednesday, 22 March 2017

How to sleep

1. Do not eat or drink at least five hours before you sleep.
2. Empty your bowels.
3.Take a warm shower.
4. Do not watch television for at least three hours before going to bed because its radiations and impressions will stay in your aura at least two hours. Never watch a criminal or violent movie or program.
5. Dress very loosely for sleep.
6. Before sleep, spend an hour or half an hour in reading. Read from the DHAMMAPADA, THE NEW TESTAMENT, THE BHAGAVAD GITA, THE UPANISHADS, AGNI YOGA.
7. Do the evening review.
8. Lie on your back and try to relax your body, calm your emotions and disperse all thoughts hanging around your mind.
9. Take seven deep breaths.
10. Relax.
11.Visualize a golden path leading you from your brain brain to the space.
12. After a few minutes think about the Great Ones who try to help humanity. Then think about the stars, galaxies, Zodiac , and visualize a fiery cross above you, or a five pointed blue star.
13. Turn onto your right side and relax.
14. Think about an idea which you read in your study.
15. Visualize that you are giving a lecture on that idea.
By this time, you will probably be asleep.
Days may pass , months or years may pass without a significant experience, but keep on. Soon you will see how the seeds of your endeavors will sprout . You will receive the full blessing of sleep and witness all beneficent changes and events taking place in life.
When you continue your exercise of sleep, eventually you will learn how to come out of your body with full consciousness and remain conscious in the subjective world and enjoy a new dimension of life, which give a great equilibrium to your whole life. Is is through such a simple procedure that you will come in contact with your inner Guide, Who will lead you to greater centers of wisdom and larger fields of service.
....In the morning write your experiences,if any.Keep a diary.
-Torkom Saraydarian, The Creative Fire(Pg 262-263)

Sunday, 12 March 2017

Getting Rid of Bad Karma for usefullness of Master Work

From the Master's standpoint it is a very good, thing for a man to get rid of a piece of bad Karma which is hanging over him in the background, for we have to remember that the Master is hampered by the bad karma of those who wish to serve Him; it prevents His using them as freely as He otherwise could do. Madame Blavatsky, who always spoke very openly about herself, being truthful through and through, said of the Coulomb trouble: “I have not deserved it now, but for my past”. It was a vital thing for her to get rid of this karma, and so the scandalous and shameful way she was treated throughout that affair was the greatest blessing for her; she recognized this when she looked at the matter philosophically, but at times she was disturbed by it on the surface.
All aspirants ought to be helped by that thought, helped to look away from themselves to Him and to think: “These troubles that I am going through make me more useful to Him”.
If you have asked that your karma shall be quickened it is unreasonable to complain when your request is granted. Keep the inspiring idea always in your thoughts: “I shall be of more use to the Master the freer I become”. A gift, once given, must not be taken back. This idea is very common in some of the old Indian books, recurring over and over again in the stories told in them; a gift once given, or a word once spoken, cannot be taken back. If a gift that you have once given should be put back into your hands by circumstances you must give it again; it is not yours, and to keep it would be theft. So, when there is this gift of yourself – the highest and noblest gift of all – you must never take it back. People continually give themselves verbally to the Master, but keep a finger on the gift in order to be able [Pag to pull it back if the Master goes too far – that is really what it comes to. They draw back, if the Master takes them at their word, as sometimes He might do, in order to let them see that they have been deceiving themselves, and had promised more than they were prepared to fulfil.
-Annie Besant, Talks on the Path of Occultism Volume 3

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Visualization of attending the Ashram of a Great One

Visualize yourself attending Ashrams where a Great One is teaching. Every day visualize attending and listening to the lectures or instructions. Learn what an Ashram is and how it functions. Use your visualization. At the beginning you may have difficulty in visualizing any talk or instruction given in the Ashram, but if you continue your exercises of visualization, you will overcome the difficulty. One day you will even feel that you were in an Ashram, and you will remember a few sentences from the Ashram. Remember, you can make anything real through your visualization. Have faith in your visualization.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Mental Exercises

MASTER HECTOR RAMOS’s explanation on Darshan.

I will share a personal story during the retreat. A Darshan actually means a glance. Literally in Sanskrit, the word Darshan mens a Glance. But actually , several weeks ago, I woke up at maybe 4 in the morning, and I was looking at Master Choa’s face energetically and I clearly saw his eyes-the PUPILS of his eyes, they are so clear , the holes of his eyes. And when I looked at his eyes, I look at the right eye and I saw a different world, when I looked through the left eye, and I also saw a different world. Its almost like the pupils of his eyes, we are led to different worlds. When in one of the things he showed me, he looked at a disciple, and I do not know if this was in this present life, but the disciple looked at him and hteir eyes connected , and I saw from Master Choa’s eyes to the eyes of the student, a certain energetic link, a spiritual link and then the aura of the student became brighter and the word DARSHAN came to me. I thought Wow!That is one of the meanings of a Darshan. It’s the meeting of the eyes. Literally and also symbolically. It a Spiritual Meeting, wherein the Teacher glances , looks at the Student through the pupils of the eyes. The Student is fed spiritually by the Teacher. He is actually given a spiritual birth. And throughout the development of the pupil, actually I don’t want to use Pupil, because the PUil refers to the eyes of the Teacher, its through the glance of the Teacher that the student grows. SO for me a Darshan is a teacher looking at the student and feeding them. So in the retreat, there will a Darshan from Master Choa. Part of the retreat is learning new Teachings and through Master Stephen Co and myself, I am sure Master Choa can channel Light into the Teachings ……
That’s why the word Pupil means a student right. But the real meaning is through the Pupils of the Teacher;s eyes, the student is fed , the student is nurtured, the student is guided, also the student is disciplined and warned. So a Darshan is actually a regular visitation by the Teacher- TO WARN, TO GUIDE, TO TEACH, TO TRANSFER BLESSINGS, TO NURTURE, TO FEED. The word Darshan has many meanings. But basic meaning is GLANCE.
-Master Hector Ramos, Extract from a video onhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ep9QcuPR_tU
Picture courtesy- https://www.facebook.com/masterhectorramos/photos/rpp.221603271355864/563454593837395/?type=3&theater

Saturday, 4 March 2017

What is Discrimination

Discrimination is a mental sense. In the light of discrimination, you know that:
1.This is better than that.
2. This is useful, and that is useless.
3.This is real, and that is false.
4.This is good for the future, and that is harmful for the future.
5.This is healthy, and that is unhealthy.
6.This leads in the right direction, and that misleads.
7.This is ego,vanity,glamor,illusion,showing off, and claim; that is an expression of the Pure Self and of pure attainment.
8.This is artificial, and that is original; this is a lie and that is truth.
9.This is cosmetic, and that is natural.
10. This pleasure leads to pain , and that pleasure leads to joy.
11. This action leads to darkness, and that action leads to light.
12. This action leads to future unfoldment, and that action brings disintegration and death.
13. This action is selfish, and that action is for all.
14.This emotion hurts my body, and that emotion heals my body.
15.This emotion repels and causes disintegration, pain, and suffering; that emotion brings people together and creates cooperaiton.
16.This emotion disturbs my mental peace and kills my control upon myself, and that that emotion gives me joy and increases control upon myself.
17. This thought is like a poison, and that thought is like a healing balsam.
18.This thought leads me and other people towards the Earth only,and that thought opens the sky of spiritual reality and builds a bridge between the Earth and Heaven.
19.This thought serves the past, and that thought builds the future.
20.This thoughts used by the forces of darkness, and that thought is used by the forces of beauty,goodness, truth,joy and freedom.
21.This motive is selfish, and that motive is for sacrificial service.
22.This motive is for exploitation, and that motive is for sacrificial service.
23. This motive is a servant of my glamors, illusions, vanity, and ego; that motive reflects mt true Self.
24.This will is against my good, or my will is for the good.
25.My good interests for myself, my family, or my nation are contradictory to the good of humanity or the principles of the Teaching, and so my personal interests prevent me from meeting my group responsibilities.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Challenge for Discipleship