Saturday, 14 January 2017

Why Maiantain Silence while practising Charity

When you give Money to Charity, if you announce it to the world, when you become famous-The fame is the Good karma manifesting for you. So you ask yourself a simple question-Would you rather have the prosperity or you want the fame? Now if you are like Bill Gates or somebody who is already prosperous, well the fame is more important because it allows them to have more influence and do things. In you case, if, fame is more important to you, then you do it. If prosperity is more important.If prosperity is more important then, GIVE QUIETLY! If you give quietly, the blessings, the good karma that comes back to you is compacted towards prosperity energy. GIVE QUIETLY, DON’T ANNOUNCE IT TO THE WORLD
-Master Stephen Co, excerpt from a lecture on TITHING aired on

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