Sunday, 2 October 2016

Various stages of development of the Heart

The heart can be found in various stages of development .Sometimes its like a small bud.Sometimes only three petals are open .Sometimes the petals are hardened in varying degrees Sometimes this heart is a fully developed ,Radioactive lotus
-The center of motive within our being
-The inclusive quality of our Real Self
-The organ of pure sensitivity in our being
- Our pure consciousness
-The link between us and Cosmos
-The center of compassion and love within us
-the sense within us that feels joy and ecstasy when it records beauty in any form ,sees virtues and experiences of heroic action and inclusive service
_The heart center which is found behind the physical heart , four to six inches away from our body ,and is recognized as a twelve petaled golden lotus
-The blue flame in the heart
# Torkom Sarydarian
The Flame of The Heart

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