Sunday 13 September 2015

Seed thought Meditation and its Positive Effects

When you come in contact with a lofty thought, through reading or seeing something or through a subjective contact, a polarity comes into being between thought and your Core .This polarity evokes an energy flow from the Core of your Being. This is a flow of electric energy which creates light in the mental plane when the energy comes in contact with mental atmosphere.
In meditation we often choose a SEED THOUGHT, a lofty thought, and try to analyse it, understand it , we try to penetrate into its origin, effects, purpose and cause.This process is a technique of assimilation through which the lofty thought becomes a part of our mental body and evokes greater charges from our Core as we deepen our meditation.
With every new charge the mental sphere receives new light and the mental atoms circulate faster, more rhythmically , and through more complicated patterns.Faster and more rhythmic circulations of atoms increases the mental magnetism.Gradually the mental sphere turns into an electrified sphere in which all past experiences and knowledge are instantaneously available through the slightest effort of association or keying in .
-Torkom Saraydarian, Thought and the Glory of Thinking

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