Friday 21 August 2015

Using the Great Invocation

The Great Invocation builds bridges or communication lines between the etheric heart,throat and head centers.The radiations of these centers interpenetrate one other, creating an electric shield of protection around the personality.The influence of the mantram that expands and touches the point of Power, the point of Love, and the point of Light in the Universe.These energies, flowing into you and through you, are then directed to the whole Universe,especially to those places which need cleansing and healing -places of bloodshed; places where human dignity is debased; places where the energies of the human body,emotions and mind are being wasted; places which hinder the circulatory life energy, creating stagnant "lakes" and infected areas on the planetary body. Like a great beam of light, the energy of the Great Invocation must be directed into these dark places.
In doing such sacred work, we must be very careful not to project out own glamors and illusions towards objects and not to built any specific thoughtforms about individual groups, nations or events.Instead, we must stand in the light of the Soul, and release the energy in a general, objective way toward physical, emotional and mental locations, leaving the energy free to carry out the work of burning, cleaning and clearing away obstacles on the path of progress. By being a clear channel for these energies , events will occur in tune with the Divine Plan, and in accordance with the karma of the point of focus
To clarify this point, let us say that if we direct energy towards an individual who is ill, or who is in glamour or illusion, we visualize the individual ad send him the triple energies of Light, Love and Power , so as to form an atmosphere of these three energies around him. We may visualize a nightclub or a war zone, and pour these energies there. In all the forgoing examples, we must send Light, Love and Power without demanding any specefic effect without imagining the way we want the sick person to be, or trying to change the point of focus of any individual or group. We must only create the proper conditions, and then let things happen as they should according to the karma involved.
In the person to whom we direct the energies the energies passes away or acts in a way towards us that we did not expect , we must maintain our indifference , knowing that good happens in a way that is beyond our comprehension or calculations.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Triangles of Fire

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