Friday, 21 August 2015

Using the Great Invocation

The Great Invocation builds bridges or communication lines between the etheric heart,throat and head centers.The radiations of these centers interpenetrate one other, creating an electric shield of protection around the personality.The influence of the mantram that expands and touches the point of Power, the point of Love, and the point of Light in the Universe.These energies, flowing into you and through you, are then directed to the whole Universe,especially to those places which need cleansing and healing -places of bloodshed; places where human dignity is debased; places where the energies of the human body,emotions and mind are being wasted; places which hinder the circulatory life energy, creating stagnant "lakes" and infected areas on the planetary body. Like a great beam of light, the energy of the Great Invocation must be directed into these dark places.
In doing such sacred work, we must be very careful not to project out own glamors and illusions towards objects and not to built any specific thoughtforms about individual groups, nations or events.Instead, we must stand in the light of the Soul, and release the energy in a general, objective way toward physical, emotional and mental locations, leaving the energy free to carry out the work of burning, cleaning and clearing away obstacles on the path of progress. By being a clear channel for these energies , events will occur in tune with the Divine Plan, and in accordance with the karma of the point of focus
To clarify this point, let us say that if we direct energy towards an individual who is ill, or who is in glamour or illusion, we visualize the individual ad send him the triple energies of Light, Love and Power , so as to form an atmosphere of these three energies around him. We may visualize a nightclub or a war zone, and pour these energies there. In all the forgoing examples, we must send Light, Love and Power without demanding any specefic effect without imagining the way we want the sick person to be, or trying to change the point of focus of any individual or group. We must only create the proper conditions, and then let things happen as they should according to the karma involved.
In the person to whom we direct the energies the energies passes away or acts in a way towards us that we did not expect , we must maintain our indifference , knowing that good happens in a way that is beyond our comprehension or calculations.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Triangles of Fire

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Obedience to the Teacher-Agni Yoga

"The idea of obedience to the Teacher seems to be alien to people. But how can the spirit lose when the Teacher is the Leading Light? How can the disciple lose his fire when the Teacher lights all fires? How can the Shield of the Teacher hold back the pupil if he is already inspired by his Teacher? How little does humanity desire to strive toward mutually beneficial work! But humanity must learn to act interdependently and to materialize all the thoughts affirmed by the Teacher. Thus, the Cosmic Mind fulfils evolution. Thus, humanity must learn to construct by higher measures. Verily, by following the Teacher you assimilate his Image. 
-Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume 1

Saturday, 15 August 2015

Virtues and its effects on Physical Organs

Virtues have a considerable effect on our body chemistry and health.For example:
-COMPASSION strengthens the heart and harmonizes the digestive system.
-FEARLESSNESS strengthens and correct the kidneys and urinary system
-SOLEMNITY purifies the spleen
-ECSTASY and GREAT JOY evoked by the beauty and art performances energize and harmonize the spleen.
-SERVICE purifies the toxins from the muscles and helps to regulate the lymphatic system.
-GENEROSITY and LOVE strengthen the flow of electricity in the nervous system,which contributes to longevity.
-FORGIVENESS dissolves the ulcers found in the mental and astral bodies
-PATIENCE energizes the generative organs and heals many disorders in these organs.
-OPTIMISM in a great remedy to the pancreas.Every bit of optimism gives a new electric shock to the pancreas.
-DISCRIMINATION strengthens the eyes.
-SLENCE or RIGHT SPEECH are tonics for the thyroid gland.
-COMPASSION is the best tonic for your eyes.
-Torkom Saraydarian, New Dimension in Healing

Saturday, 8 August 2015

Generosity on the Path of Discipleship

There is a great law which can be embodied in the words "to those who give all, all is given". . . . Most aspirants to discipleship today do not know or realise this law; they do not give freely and fully, either to the work of the Hierarchy or to those who need. Until they do, they limit their effectiveness and shut the door on supply, not only for themselves, but for the group with which they are affiliated in service. Herein lies responsibility. The clue to supply is personality harmlessness and dedication of all individual resources to the service of the Great Ones, without restraint and spontaneously. When you, as a disciple, try to live harmlessly - in thought and word and deed - and when nothing is held back materially, emotionally or from the angle of time, when physical strength is so given, and the gift of all resources is accompanied with happiness, then the disciple will have all that is needed to carry on his work, and the same is true of all working groups of servers. Such is the law. Perfection is not yet possible, it is needless for me to say, but greater effort on your part to give and serve is possible.
-Holy Master D.K. through Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age

Forgiveness and Sacrifices

Let us recall what is said in Brotherhood, paragraph 445: "Around the concept of forgiveness there is a great lack of understanding. One who has forgiven someone assumes that he has accomplished something out of the ordinary, whereas he has merely preserved his own karma from complications. The forgiven one thinks that all has been ended, but, of course, karma remains ahead of him. True, the forgiving one did not intervene in the karma of the forgiven one and thus has not made it more burdensome, but the very law of karma remains with both participants. The Lords of Karma can alter this to a certain extent if the fire of purification flashes out brightly, but such a flame cannot easily be set alight. Great sacrifices have been performed for the kindling of the fire. One must revere the memory of such self-sacrificing deeds. Beauty lives on in such calls. Neither time nor human confusion can stifle the calls to self-sacrifice. The Teachings of Brotherhood also tell about the same thing. It is beautiful that even now the concept that has existed throughout the ages is not forgotten. Let us not reject even a little understanding of the supermundane path."
-Helena Roerich, Letters of Helena Roerich Volume 2

Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Creating a Positive Thought Entity

Another way of providing a strong positive thought of one’s self is by positive self-imaging or creative visualization. This visualization has daily for several minutes a day for atleast several months. The visualization does not have to be clear. Whether your visualization is clear or not, it does not affect the potency of the thought produced. What is necessary is to have a clear, persistent intention. Clear intention means to have a clear idea of what you want to be. By this, you will be able to create a powerful thought entity, which will have a good supportive influence on you. It is preferable to do pranic breathing while visualizing to make the thought entity more powerful. Your concentration does not have to be perfect. What is required is to bring back your attention to what you are visualizing every time your mind drifts to something else.
-Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Pranic Psychotherapy