Sometimes it will be very effective if you imagine that someone, a higher being, a great initiate, is sounding the Great Invocation and you are repeating it after, verse by verse.
To make it more potent, you listen to the whole verse and repeat it in one breath, but without haste. Pause for three counts after the first verse, seven counts after the second verse, nine counts after the third verse, and twelve counts after the fourth verse.
In these silent periods, mentally concentrate and visualize the effect of the preceding verse.
In these silent periods, mentally concentrate and visualize the effect of the preceding verse.
The effect of our invocation depends on the level from which we are speaking or sounding it.
If a man’s consciousness is focused on the physical level only, the vocal effect of his invocation will be very weak and will not bring permanent results.
If his consciousness is focused on the emotional plan, his invocation or speech will carry more force and bring greater results.
If he is focused on the mental plane, then his invocation will be still stronger, will have more force and evoke higher responses.
If his focus is in the higher mental and Intuitional Planes, he is a white magician and his invocation and speech is charged with very high voltage energy.
If a man’s consciousness is focused on the physical level only, the vocal effect of his invocation will be very weak and will not bring permanent results.
If his consciousness is focused on the emotional plan, his invocation or speech will carry more force and bring greater results.
If he is focused on the mental plane, then his invocation will be still stronger, will have more force and evoke higher responses.
If his focus is in the higher mental and Intuitional Planes, he is a white magician and his invocation and speech is charged with very high voltage energy.