Sunday, 29 June 2014

Torkom Saraydarian Quote

Changing other People

We cannot change people directly. We can change people by changing ourselves. Our beauty and love evoke change within the other person. This is what the sun does. The sun loves the seeds so much that they sprout and become flowers. Then it kisses them.
-Torkom Saraydarian-Sex, Family, and the Woman in Society(Second Edition)

Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Why money is important by Holy Master D.K.

It must be realised that money is the energy which can set in motion and make possible the activities of the New Group of World Servers-no matter what their colour, caste or church. Money does not yet lie in their hands. Their need for it is great. Millions are needed to spread the required knowledge of the hierarchical Plan; millions are needed to further the work of men of goodwill; millions are needed to educate the masses in the fact that He for Whom all men wait is on His way back to ordinary visibility.
-Holy Master D.K. through Alice Bailey, Discipleship in the New Age Volume 2

Torkom Saraydarian Quote

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Virtues and Agni Yoga

He who thinks of modesty and humility is by virtue of this neither modest nor humble. Natural virtues do not require forced considerations. Much vanity has originated from such forced pseudo-modesty and pseudo-humbleness. In all qualities connected with fieriness, directness is needed. If a man has not acquired reverence for Hierarchy, no command can make him feel the beauty of this striving; external conditions will shatter the seed of striving. It is a great fallacy for people who have begun to think of the Supreme to alter the outer conditions of their lives… The quality of self-initiated action is a fiery achievement. It does not come from outside, but only together with the broadening of consciousness. Without the affirmation of consciousness, self-initiated activity cannot be established.
Courage does not come by order. It grows from within, giving the sensation of being the core of the spiral. If courage once takes root, nothing can eradicate it. It is beautiful to realize the existence of a process whereby qualities may be acquired which grow like a mighty tree.
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Fiery World-Volume 1

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

How to bless

When you are thinking in your mind and blessing other people or places, there are colours of light that are better to picture than others. Real blessing is violet. Violet devas carry the blessing. If the blessing comes from a higher order, from higher order,from Great Masters, it has a ruby colour. Four levels can transmit blessings: intuitional, atmic, monadic and Divine.Pure violet mixed with lots of blue is the Intuitional Plane. The Atmic Plane is orange,the Monadic Plane is yellow, and the Divine Plane is pure ruby.
..........When we send blessings to a person to someone at a distance we should see them in a golden light. Golden light is magnetic light. You are creating a station of magnetism to draw your blessing.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Transformation

Thursday, 12 June 2014

Building self esteem in children

Children can be led to self-esteem by arranging such works for them that they can do and feel proud. The works given to them must be equal to their ability. Children can also be given disciplines and exercises that they can accomplish and feel proud of what they did. Children can be given opportunities to cultivate and to achieve virtues and to feel proud of themselves. From the beginning they will understand that they must cultivate a service or attain something in order to feel proud of themselves.
There are parents who try to cultivate self-esteem in children who are full of inertia or of destructive activities. If we pump self-esteem into those who do not demonstrate values, we encourage them to be what they are and they never try to improve.
..........With children we can start with a small dosage , making them to do something and feel proud, and make them see the first steps of their achievements.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Transformation

Difference between Condemnation and Fair Judgement

Now let us understand the difference between condemnation and fair judgment. Everyone knows that there are crimes for which a severe judgment is deserved, but ordinary, everyday criticism is superficial and harmful. Often, when criticizing others, people attempt to compel them to act as they would wish them to. They do not want to understand that each bird has its own song and that it is wrong to force it to sing an alien tune. One can even kill the singer, but nothing will be gained. It is regrettable to see how people impose their will others, and it is even worse when these violations are committed in the name of Good. When We speak about concern for the protection of our friends, We have in mind the most solicitous care, and not tactless criticism. It is time to understand that it is wrong to poison the atmosphere with thoughtless criticism, which is akin to slander.
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Supermundane-Volume 3

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Alignment during the Full Moon

At the full moon time, there is an alignment going on. Man is aligning with his Soul; he is aligning with the Vision of discipleship and with his Master. Hierarchy is aligning with Shamballa. Shamballa is aligning with the Sun . The full moon is a moment of opportunity that is open for us is if we are clever and wise enough not to miss that opportunity.
Expansion of consciousness takes place during the full moon time if the needed work of preparation has been done. The Tibetan master says that during the full moon, a window opens and higher energies are contacted.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Wisdom of the Zodiac-Volume 1

Sunday, 8 June 2014

Harmful Effects of Gossip

See what gossip does. It begins with evil thought, and that in itself is a crime. For in everyone and in everything there is good; in everyone and in everything there is evil. Either of these we can strengthen by thinking of it, and in this way we can help or hinder evolution; we can do the will of the Logos or we can resist Him. If you think of the evil in another, you are doing at the same time three wicked things:

(1) You are filling your neighbourhood with evil thought instead of with good thought, and so you are
adding to the sorrow of the world.

(2) If there is in that man the evil which you think, you are strengthening it and feeding it; and so you are
making your brother worse instead of better. But generally the evil is not there, and you have only fancied it; and then your wicked thought tempts your brother to do wrong, for if he is not yet perfect you may make him that which you have thought him.

(3) You fill your own mind with evil thoughts instead of good; and so you hinder your own growth, and make yourself, for those who can see, an ugly and painful object instead of a beautiful and lovable one.

Not content with having done all this harm to himself and to his victim, the gossip tries with all his might to make other men partners in his crime. Eagerly he tells his wicked tale to them, hoping that they will believe it; and then they join with him in pouring evil thought upon the poor sufferer. And this goes on day after day, and is done not by one man but by thousands. Do you begin to see how base, how terrible a sin this is? You must avoid it altogether. Never speak ill of any one; refuse to listen when any one else speaks ill of another, but gently say: "Perhaps this is not true, and even if it is, it is kinder not to speak of it."

-Alcyone (J. Krishnamurti),At The Feet of the Master

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Agni Yoga Quote

Basis for choosing your partner-Gratitude

You must look in the heart of your partner to see if there exists the spark of gratitude. Ungrateful, unappreciative people are heavy loads on our backs. One cannot do creative work with such people. One cannot proceed on the path of his evolution if he is tied to one who has no gratitude in his heart. Ingratitude is a bad wound in the psyche of man. Ingratitude manifests in little ordinary things and you can see it, but you may not consider it the dangerous viper that it is.

See if your partner expresses gratitude when you offer tea, a cup of water, a gift, an expression of love. If not, he is living in his ego, and he will take anything for granted. Gratitude shows that the nerves of a person’s soul are healthy.
-Torkom Saraydarian ;Sex, Family and the Woman in Society

Wednesday, 4 June 2014


Possibilities of Human Thought

The Great Plato said: "Thoughts rule the world." And modern scientists, as for instance Professor Compton, have expressed the probability of an active, rational force in every phenomenon of nature, and of the influence of thought upon matter. He concludes with the following remarkable words: "Possibly the thoughts of men are the most important factors in the world." 
With such broad understanding let us become acquainted with the history of the development of thought. Putting aside all prejudices of place, time and nationality, we, like the bees, shall collect the precious honey of human creative thought! 
After placing into the foundation the powerful achievements of those great creators who molded our consciousness, let us begin the third step—the development of our own thought, our own creativeness; and from the new combinations we shall hew sparks of the fire of thought, this crown of the Universe. 
Let us remember that a thinking being is never lonely because thought is his greatest magnet and brings similar response from space. Therefore, if we want to receive a beautiful answer we should send into vibrating space our striving thoughts saturated with the pure fire of the heart; only the thought which is spiritualized by striving, nourished by the heart, can create and attract as a powerful magnet. Thought without the striving and flaming quality is sterile. Thus, let us long for knowledge, for broad thoughts, and in our striving we shall dare, as only daring thought molds new ways. 
- Helena Roerich ,Letters of Helena Roerich-Volume 1