Monday, 31 July 2017
Saturday, 29 July 2017
Friday, 28 July 2017
Monday, 24 July 2017
Saturday, 22 July 2017
Friday, 21 July 2017
Importance of reading News on a daily news
One of the things which Master Choa encouraged me to do was “You better keep up with the news.”He said read the news everyday.
MH:Master , they are usually bad.
He(GMCKS) said, “Exactly, the point. “. He said , you should know what is happening in the world because you should know where to bless the energy.He said, you should not loose touch with the physical reality of what is happening around you.
-Master Hector Ramos, Excerpt from speech given during 10th Pranic Healers Convention Manila
Thursday, 20 July 2017
Observation-Agni Yoga Teachings
. One yogi won the reputation of being a practical joker, because he would unnoticeably rearrange various objects in homes, and when asked why, he answered, “I am observing whether you have become blind.” Verily there are few who notice changes in their surroundings. But the first sign of an “eagle-eye” is to notice the minutest changes, since on them depends the vibration of the whole.
Saturday, 8 July 2017
Devotion to the Teacher
Many examples can be cited about people who harm themselves by disturbing the harmony with the Highest Ones. Only a few can understand what a blessing the link with the Higher Ones is; only in this way is the communion with the Supermundane World facilitated. It is impossible to imagine how the earthly opportunity is destroyed.. When there is no affirmation of the higher path, one’s earthly possibilities are lost.
Do not think that the Teacher can realize His intentions if man resists Him. It is not easy to mend the rent web. Sometimes this mending takes more time than the creation of a new web.
Often people complain about the Teacher, not understanding the reasons for His actions. People suppose that their own earthly decisions better serve the purpose, but they do not understand many things relating to earthly life. Only a few understand the value of Teachership. Perhaps their devotion will help them to become worthy of the Teacher.
The Thinker affirmed, “Learn to be worthy of the Teacher.”
Frienship and Reincarnation
In our life we must try to increase friendship because it is through friendship that we can save money,time,energy, and matter and reach our destination sooner. Friends are like walls of protection; they are like sources of experience and wisdom. Friends are those who help you to be more healthy, happy, prosperous, and more enlightened.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Battling Dark Forces