The seventh step for Preparation (for Wesak) is to have the idea that you are being watched. Know that the Guardian within you is watching you. Your Master is watching you. Hierarchy is watching you. Shamballa is watching you. The One Eye is Watching you. If you develop this idea, in twenty four hours, you can become a transformed personality.
Do not close your eyes and say that nobody is watching or seeing you. During the seven days before the (Wesak)full moon, think that some invisible Great Ones are watching you. When you develop this sense of being watched, you also develop the sense that you are watching yourself. You become the watcher of yourself. This is the greatest achievement-greater than any certificate that you receive from any school.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Wisdom of the Zodiac Volume 1
Do not close your eyes and say that nobody is watching or seeing you. During the seven days before the (Wesak)full moon, think that some invisible Great Ones are watching you. When you develop this sense of being watched, you also develop the sense that you are watching yourself. You become the watcher of yourself. This is the greatest achievement-greater than any certificate that you receive from any school.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Wisdom of the Zodiac Volume 1