Friday 2 October 2015


Virtues are manifestation of intuitional,atmic and monadic energies. When these virtues find expression through the personality , they turn into virtues.
Virtues are electrical lines that put man in contact with the powerhouse of the Cosmic Etheric Planes; namely the Buddhic, Atmic, Monadic and Divine Planes. A virtuous man is a man of power. He has energy because, through the manifestation of virtues,he is in contact with the higher realms.
You will notice that the more you want to exercise your virtue, the more obstacles appear on your path , sometimes to such a degree that you are tempted to give up, but remember "Blessed are the obstacles; through them we grow'. It is only through the victory over the obstacles that the meditated, visualized and dramatized virtue takes shape in your life and transforms your personality
-Torkom Saraydarian, The Psyche and Psychism

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