Friday, 6 December 2013

Creativity- Darkness to Light

Creativity is physical , emotional and spiritual action to change darkness into light. It is a different approach.As long as you try to bring light into dark places, into minds, into people’s soul , into homes, into organizations you are a creative person because without being a creative person you cannot decrease the darkness. Do not think that because you cannot paint, you cannot dance , you cannot make a sculpture or artifacts, you are not a creative person. You are a creative person if you bring a little light that is decreasing the darkness in others, in the group , in humanity , in all nations. The greatest creativity is to bring illumination to mankind. Art is the result of such an endeavor.

How are you going to do it? Do it any way you want, scientifically, politically, educationally, artistically, religiously.Groups that have started to serve humanity have become stagnated pools of hatred. Finding how to bring light and increase the light in others is the most creative action. Let us take a simple point. You visit a family and the wife and the husband are fighting and destroying each other. You bring a little light, understanding, and you see that the family becomes so beautiful . That is a creative process . Creativity is related to increasing light, increasing light in relationships. A man is not able to understand a problem, so you bring in a little light there and you help How beautiful it is. You are expanding his consciousness, his thinking process, his relationships, and here you are doing a creative work. 
-Torkom  Saraydarian, The Creative Fire

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