Saturday, 25 February 2017

Courage from the Heart

Courage can only be found in the heart. In the reasoning that arises from the convolutions of the brain one can find an intelligent distribution of forces, but the courage that proceeds on the straightest, most luminous path cannot live outside the heart. Judge this fact by the antipode of courage, fear. Fear first acts upon the heart and from there flies to the extremities. Most certainly, every trait is measured by the heart. A doctor would be able to study all the qualities of human nature through the heart by observing all the nuances and tones of the pulse. Of course, as a general rule a double pulse will not be observed, because contemporary science completely fails to recognize the fiery condition of the heart. You might go to physicians and beg that they pay heed to obvious manifestations that only require a little attention. Let them get angry, but also let them see who is coming to them and begging. In ten years the blows of fate will force people to read the Book of Life with respect.
-Master Morya throough Helena Roerich, Heart

Thursday, 23 February 2017

Guru Yoga

Guru Yoga, the union with the nature of the Guru,forms the foundation of all other practises, and there are different techniques for this practise. Within Guru Yoga, there are outer, inner, secret and most secret methods. 
The inner method is to realize , through the practise, that our own body, speech and mind are inseparable from the wisdom body, speech , and mind of the Guru. 
On the absolute level, the Teacher is one with very nature of our own mind, which is itself the essence of Buddhahood, the TATHAGATHAGARBA. What then is the method for realization of this absolute Teacher?Through the outer or relative Teacher and his pith instructions, we can bring ourselves to the realization of the inner and absolute teacher , which is awareness itself.
Practise of Guru Yoga is meant to generate extraordinary devotion, the fervent devotion which allows us to see the guru as in no way different from the Lord Buddha himself. If one sees the teacher as an ordinary Human Being, then one will receive the "blessings"of ordinary beings; if one sees his as an ARHAT or a PRATYEKABUDDHA or SRAVAKA, then one will receive the corresponding blessings, if one sees the teacher as a Bodhisatva, then one will receive the blessings of the Bodhisattvas. If however, one can see the Teacher as a Buddha, then one will receive the blessings of the Buddhas.
-Dilgo Khyentse Rimpoche, The Wish-Fullfilling Jewel

Wednesday, 22 February 2017

Arousal of Divine Fire in the New Age

Our God is a consuming Fire" refers primarily to Agni, the controlling factor in this age. The devas of the fire will play an increasingly important part in all earth processes. To them is given the work of inaugurating the New Age, the new world and civilisation and the new continent … Agni controls not only the fires of the earth and rules the mental plane, but He is definitely associated with the work of arousing the sacred fire, the kundalini . . . The Lord of Fire will achieve his peculiar work for this cycle by arousing the fire of kundalini in the large numbers of those who are ready. This will be begun in this century, and carried forward actively for the next one thousand years.
-Holy Master D.K. through Alice Bailey, Ponder on This

Saturday, 18 February 2017

Characterestics of a Disciple

A disciple is able to think , speak and to act independently without serving the interests of separate parties. He is also able to keep silent, to renounce, and to disappear. He is often recognized by what he DOES NOT DO AND BY WHAT HE DOES NOT SAY OR EVEN THINK. He is able to not to follow associative suggestions and bribery; he keeps his mind clear.
His efficiency increases by the fact that his standards are high order, universal , and progressive. This gives him the chance to inspire people to strive to meet new standards of thinking, feeling, speaking, and acting.
Also a disciple is a person who sometimes escapes. A disciple does not always fight head on. Sometimes because of conditions, to escape is better than to fight. For example, if you try to fight a skunk, you will have problems. A dog knows this very well. Watch , what a dog when he encounters a skunk; He usually runs away from the skunk and leaves it alone.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Challenge for Discipleship

Friday, 17 February 2017

Performing Acts of Compassion and being Judged

Where others will turn away from misfortune with disdain, a yogi perceives the true possibilities. Do not be amazed if the yogi's heart responds to the most pitiful dog in which he sees the seeds of devotion, or if he suddenly calls the humblest child to be a future co-worker. 
No sooner do people call a yogi stern and cold, than he will unexpectedly perform an act of true love and compassion. Most probably, the intent of this act will be falsely judged by onlookers. Being called a deceiver is an honor for the yogi, because evolution is an abomination to the ignorant. We speak both for humanity and individuals. The beast of ignorance, however, is alien to those who build.
-Master Morya through Helea Roerich, Agni Yoga

Pity and Compassion

Pity is a puddle in which the faithful foot may slip. The one who pities descends to the level of the pitied. His force is dissolved in twilights of that which he pities — a most whining result.
Pity must not be confused with compassion. In compassion nothing is dissolved, but crystals of action grow. Compassion does not weep, but helps.
-Master Morya through Helen Roerich, Community

Thursday, 16 February 2017

Humility and the Law of Karma

Humility works with the Law of Karma, the Law of Cause and Effect. A humble man knows that karma eventually will make him have the things for which he worked and lose the things which did not belong to him. Karma makes him exactly what he is not and what he pretends to be. The Law of Karma makes you be what you want to be, but not what you pretend to be .
-Torkom Saraydarian, The Psyche and Psychism

Saturday, 11 February 2017

Aquarius Full Moon

The Aquarius Full Moon is one of the most important full moons because Aquarius is the sign into which our Solar System is entering. Each full moon, including the major full moons, is a preparation to adapt ourselves to the inflow of the Aquarian energy, which is the conditioning factor of the New Age. This energy is called, "the Water of life poured forth for thirsty men." It is this energy which will eventually create a new culture and a new civilization on Earth.
In celebrating the Aquarian full moon, we consciously try to adapt our physical body and our emotional and mental natures to the frequency of the Aquarian energy. When this energy passes through system unimpended, it creates greater health, love and enlightenment, which prepares the foundation stones of the New Age.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Symphony of the Zodiac

Saturday, 4 February 2017

Serving-Hold on to the Thought of Hierarchy

Those who are entering the path of Great Service sometimes fear that their spiritual reserve may not be large enough for them to go on giving constantly. Although they know that the giving hand does not grow poor, it is difficult for them to apply this in its spiritual sense. But the same thing is said about the birds of the heavens that have plenty of grain for the morrow. Truly, when one cooperates with the Hierarchy, the spiritual store will not run out. The heart that cherishes the Image of the Lord will not fall silent. So nobody need fear that the spiritual store will be used up, for it is inexhaustible. You can hand out these treasures—just hold tight to the silver thread.
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Heart

Thursday, 2 February 2017

Challenge of Discipleship

You must stand for values. If you defend the values of others, eventually you will be ready to defend the vaules of the Hierarchy even at the cost of your life. If you do not reach this point, then you are lost. Those human beings who have entered the Hierarchy are those who defended values with their own lives. This was the highest test for them to enter the Hierarchy. Not a single Master became a Master without passing this test. A moment came in Their lives when the choice was life or death, and They faced death.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Challenge for Discipleship