Saturday, 31 May 2014

Benefits of having money on the Spiritual Path

Money and wealth can give freedom to a person. He has the freedom to decide how to use his time and energy. With lots of money, he can use his time to study spiritual books, to meditate, and to do inner reflection. He has the opportunity todevelop potentialities, manifesting as mathematical, literary, linguistic , musical , and other skills. He can use his time and money to do services and help other people. To have lots of money is good , especially when it is utilized properly.
-Grand Master Choa Kok Sui, Spiritual Essence of Man

Thursday, 29 May 2014

Science of Temple Dances

According to the esoteric tradition, Temple dances originated from the Hierarchy. When the Hierarchy
came to this planet, they saw that humanity was really animal like. Human beings needed rhythm, melody,
music, and harmony so that they could create some kind of integration, alignment, and synchronization in
their physical, emotional, and mental natures. Health, happiness, intelligence, consciousness, and energy all
depend on harmony, synchronization, and rhythm.  For example, if a dancer is dancing with rhythm and harmony, he generates a very beautiful rhythm and harmony in space.

............So, the Hierarchy taught little dances: first, to synchronize, align, and integrate our physical, emotional, mental nature; second, to purify the space in which they exist.
We are dancing in this space, bringing in rhythm and harmony. We are purifying the space. That is why
they are called Temple dances. Dances in the Temple make the Temple holy because all these harmonious
emanations are changing the atomic structures of the things around you.
Temple dances not only transmit energy, but they also regulate the chemistry in the neighborhood of gardens and orchards, repelling all those forces or influences that are dangerous to the plants.

-Torkom Saraydarian, Creative Sound, Sacred Music Dance and Song


Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Negative thoughts as mentioned in Agi Yoga

Observe how people read the Teaching. Observe which passages they avoid and try not to notice. People especially often close their eyes to everything referring to betrayal and psychic murder. They do not even wish to consider that they can harm at a distance by their thoughts. Thus people avoid that in which they are most often guilty. One does not have to be a giant of thought in order to harm. Even a mediocre thought poisoned by the crystal of imperil will be very effective.
-Master Morya through Helena Roerich, Heirarchy

Friday, 23 May 2014

Holy Master D.K. Quote

Rules for building thought forms

Are there some simple rules which the earnest and sincere beginner could apply to this science of building, and which are so clear and concise that they will produce the needed effect?...........

These rules may sound too simple for the learned aspirant, but for those who are willing to become as little children, they will be found to be a safe guide into truth and will eventually make them able to pass the tests for adeptship. Some are couched in terms symbolic, others are necessarily blinds, still others express the truth just as it is.
1. View the world of thought, and separate the false out of the true.
2. Learn the meaning of illusion, and in its midst locate the golden thread of truth.
3. Control the body of emotion, for the waves that rise upon the stormy seas of life engulf the swimmer, shut out the sun and render all plans futile.
4. Discover that thou hast a mind and learn its dual use.
5. Concentrate the thinking principle, and be the master of thy mental world.
6. Learn that the thinker and his thought, and that which is the means of thought, are diverse in their nature, yet one in ultimate reality.
7. Act as the thinker, and learn it is not right to prostitute thy thought to the base use of separative desire.
8. The energy of thought is for the good of all and for the furtherance of the Plan of God. Use it not therefore for thy selfish ends.
9. Before a thought-form is by thee constructed, vision its purpose, ascertain its goal, and verify the motive.
10. For thee, the aspirant on the way of life, the way of conscious building is not yet the goal. The work of cleaning out the atmosphere of thought, of barring fast the doors of thought to hate and pain, to fear, and jealousy and low desire, must first precede the conscious work of building. See to thy aura, oh traveller on the way.
11. Watch close the gates of thought. Sentinel desire. Cast out all fear, all hate, all greed. Look out and up.
12. Because thy life is mostly centred on the plane of concrete life, thy words and speech will indicate thy thought. To these pay close attention.
13. Speech is of triple kind. The idle words will each produce effect. If good and kind, naught need be done. If otherwise, the paying of the price cannot be long delayed.
The selfish words, sent forth with strong intent, build up a wall of separation. Long time it takes to break that wall and so release the stored-up, selfish purpose. See to thy motive, and seek to use those words which blend thy little life with the large purpose of the will of God.
The word of hate, the cruel speech which ruins those who feel the spell, the poisonous gossip, passed along because it gives a thrill - these words kill the flickering impulses of the soul, cut at the roots of life, and so bring death.
If spoken in the light of day, just retribution will they bring; when spoken and then registered as lies, they strengthen that illusory world in which the speaker lives, and holds him back from liberation.
If uttered with intent to hurt, to bruise and kill, they wander back to him who sent them forth, and him they bruise and kill.
14. The idle thought, the selfish thought, the cruel hateful thought, if rendered into word, produce a prison, poison all the springs of life, lead to disease, and cause disaster and delay. Therefore, be sweet and kind and good as far as in thee lies. Keep silence and the light will enter in.
15. Speak not of self. Pity not thy fate. The thoughts of self and of thy lower destiny, prevent the inner voice of thine own soul from striking ] upon thine ear. Speak of the soul; enlarge upon the plan; forget thyself in building for the world. Thus is the law of form offset. Thus can the rule of love enter upon that world. 
-Holy Master D.K. through Alice Bailey, A Treatise on White Magic

Tuesday, 20 May 2014


Basis for Self Respect

Often competition is used to create self-respect. This is a very bad procedure because it backfires, creating vanity,ego and even depression.Competition must not be used to create self-respect.

Self respect must not be based on the defeat of others but must originate in self-awareness,self-development and self-unfoldment. Those who base their self-respect on their victory over others can be trapped in ego,arrogance, and eventually turn into impostors.

Self-respect is not respect for your wealth for your position,for your nation or race , for your power and physical beauty but for your spiritual attainment, for the actualization of the self within your existence or your being,for your service rendered for the alleviation of suffering of humanity for the liberation of humanity.
-Torkom Saraydarian,Transformation

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

The reason why every Wesak should be attended

The Wesak ceremony will not continue in the
near future as it now stands.

Great Lord Buddha, Who is the Bridge between the center where the Will of God is known and the center which is formed by all Great Ones, will graduate from our planetary ring-pass-not and enter into Solar evolution. The Ancient Wisdom teaches that each atom, each cell, each living form, is advancing toward planetary, Solar and Cosmic evolution.

We are told in esoteric literature that Lord Buddha and Lord Christ will graduate in the very near future from the planetary “high school,” enter into “solar college” and then into the kindergarten of Cosmic evolution. Again, we are told that Lord Buddha will leave this planet and Christ will not only be the bridge between humanity and the Hierarchy, but also the bridge between the Hierarchy and the Center where the Will of God is known. The Tibetan Master says that the Great Lord Christ decided in 1945 to stay with Humanity another two thousand years to push forward the evolution of humanity until humanity creates true peace and finds its way toward Infinity.
-Torkom Saraydarian

Holy Master D.K. Quote

Monday, 12 May 2014

Overcoming Vanity

Whenever you feel proud of yourself and are full of vanity, consider the following:
1. Stop and think if there is someone better than you.
2. Stop and think if you can do better than before.
3. Stop and think if you can be better than before.
4. Stop and think if you can know more than before.
5. Stop and think how much you do not know and how many lives it will take before you are really somebody.
6. Read the life stories of great leaders, scientists, saviors, writers and reformers.
7. Visit museums and art galleries.
8. Go to the mountains and climb them.
9. Watch the midnight sky.
10. Think about great geniuses who have brought changes in human culture and civilization.
11. Take a retreat in the mountains and try to survive for twenty days.
12. Read physics and astronomy.
13. Remember how many times you failed.
14. Try to be aware of all who are more advanced than yourself.

Vanity tries to close our memory and makes us feel that we have never failed or done any wrong. If one diligently works on the above fourteen points, he will begin seeing the ugliness of his vanity and practice more discipline to annihilate it.

-Torkom Saraydarian, Spiritual Regeneration

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Purpose of the Wesak Full Moon

What is it that should be accomplished at each momentous full moon in May? I shall state the objective sequentially and in the order of their importance, and with as much clarity and brevity as this abstruse subject permits.

1.The releasing of certain energies which can potently affect humanity, and which will, if released, stimulate the spirit of love, of brotherhood and of goodwill on the earth. These energies are as definite and as real as those energies with which science occupies itself and calls the "cosmic rays." I am speaking of real energies and not of emotionally desired abstractions.

2.The fusion of all the people of goodwill in the world into an integrated responsive whole.

3.The invocation and the response of certain great Beings, Whose work can and will be possible if the first of the objectives is achieved through the accomplishment of the second objective. Ponder on this synthesis of the three objectives. By what name these Living Forces are called is entirely immaterial. They can be regarded as the Vice-Regents of God, Who can and will cooperate with the Spirit of Life and of Love upon our planet, the One in Whom we live and move and have our being. They may be regarded by certain thinkers as the Archangels of the Most High, Whose work has been made possible through the activity of Christ and His body of disciples, the true and living Church. They may be regarded by others as the guiding heads of the planetary Hierarchy, Who stand behind our planetary evolution, and Who seldom take an active part in the world activity, leaving it to the Masters of the Wisdom except in the time of an emergency such as this. By whatever name we call Them, They stand ready to aid if the call comes forth with sufficient strength and power from the aspirants and disciples at the time of the May full moon and the June full moon.

4.The evocation from the inner side of a strenuous and one-pointed activity on the part of the Hierarchy of Masters, those illumined Minds to Whom has been confided the work of world direction. A responsiveness is desired and can be effective between the following three groups:
1.The waiting and (at this time) anxious Hierarchy-anxious because even They cannot tell how humanity will react and whether men will be wise enough to avail themselves of the proffered opportunity. They stand, organised under the direction of the Christ, the Master of all the Masters, and the Teacher alike of angels and of men. He has been constituted the direct intermediary between the earth and the Buddha, Who is, in His turn, consecrated intermediary between the entire waiting Hierarchy and the attentive Forces.
2.The New Group of World Servers, composed at this time of all those sensitive and consecrated servers of the race whose objective is world peace, who aim at the establishing of goodwill on earth as the basis for future living and world expansion. Originally, this group was composed of a handful of accepted disciples and consecrated aspirants. Its ranks have been opened - . . to all those people of goodwill who are willing to sacrifice themselves for the helping of humanity, and who see no separating bar of any kind, but feel alike to the men of all races, nationalities and religions.
3.The masses of men and women who have responded to the ideas which have been set forth, and who react favorably to the objective of international understanding, economic interdependence and religious unity. When these three groups of thinkers and servers are brought en rapport with each other, and when the three groups can be aligned, even momentarily, much can be accomplished; the gates of the new life can be opened, and the inflow of the new spiritual forces can take place. Such is the Group objective and idea.

-Holy Master D.K. through Alice Bailey, Esoteric Psychology Volume 2

Expansion of awareness at Wesak

The Wesak Festival is performed in one of the sacred valleys of the Himalayas. It is performed on the
physical, emotional, mental and intuitional levels. If
you have only a physical vehicle you will see the physical part of it; if you have an emotional vehicle, and if
your emotional world is pure enough, you will see the
emotional aspect too; if your mental vehicle is built,
you can see the mental equivalent of that event, but if
your intuitional vehicle is built you can see the whole
process of transformation taking place within the electromagnetic field which the Masters have created in
the valley; you can see the radiation which is relating
the event with all disciples everywhere; you can see the
Great Lords attending in Their very subtle bodies, and
eventually, you will be able to see the electric wall
which surrounds the valley for many miles and repels
all those who try to enter the Festival, but who are not
-Torkom Saraydarian

Friday, 9 May 2014

Agni Yoga Quote

GMCKS Experiences at the Wesak

One day we went to the house of Mang Nenet in the late afternoon to practice a meditation for the Wesak Festival. He told me to meditate alone in the balcony because the living room was reserved for his disciples only. However  he allowed MCKS to remain in the living room to meditate with the group.

After about an hour, the group asked me to join them in the living room. They were discussing what they had seen clairvoyantly during the Wesak Festival.

MCKS reported that , "while floating in front of the very large body of the Lord Buddha during the Wesak, He felt like a small mosquito floating. It seemed that there were arrows radiating out of the body of the Lord Buddha". LATER MCKS REALIZED THAT THESE "ARROWS" COMING OUT OF THE LORD BUDDHA'S BODY WERE ACTUALLY RAYS OF LIGHT.

Mang Nenet told told MCKS that He had described it correctly. He said he had also projected himself into the Wesak Festival. Mang Nenet concurre that what MCKS had seen was the same as that which he had observed.

According the Mang Nenet, the arrows are actually blessings from the Lord Buddha to the world. These blessings or light radiating from the Lord Buddha were interpreted by the brain of MCKS as arrows. This is one of the possible problems that may be encountered by a disciple-the partial distortion of inner experiences by the physical brain.

-Page 44,Chapter 6,SAMUEL ON MANG NENET AND MANG MIKE, Origin of Modern Pranic Healing and Arhatic Yoga(Authored by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui)

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Important qualities needed for a spiritual aspirant

From the beginning of the Path, the aspirant must develop three great values:

Humility will tell him where he stands in the chain of evolution. It will show him those who are behind and those who are far ahead of him.

Cooperation will help him not to seek for himself or work for his ego by showing off, but will develop in him group consciousness, a sense of unity and the ability to see the Plan. 

Gratitude will develop I him the ability to recognize true values, his karmic obligations and responsibilities.

-Torkom Saraydarian, The Psyche and Psychism


Monday, 5 May 2014


Gratitude Explained

Gratitude is the AWARENESS of all the good things people have done for us, and the READINESS to pay them back with interest.

People think gratitude is a feeling of happiness for the good things people have done for us.Such a feeling is an expression of selfishness and self-interest . People who feel like this generally take all that you can give and then walk away as if you owed them all that you gave.

Of course, one must remember that under certain circumstances people can help you by not helping you at all or by showing total indifference to you. You must feel grateful not because you received or did not receive something, but because you have increased your maturity and wisdom by doing or not doing certain things for you.

Grateful people feel eternally indebted to life and to all people everywhere.They radiate the beneficent rays of gratitude in all their relationships.Thus they affirm that all is given to them under law and that all is paid back under law.

-Torkom Saraydarian,Thought and the Glory of Thinking

Sunday, 4 May 2014

Agni Yoga Quote

Heart-Agni Yoga

To see with the eyes of the heart; to hear the roar of the world with the ears of the heart; to peer into the future with the understanding of the heart; to remember past accumulations through the heart—that is how the aspirant must boldly advance on the path of ascent. Creativity embraces the fiery potential and comes to be saturated with the sacred fire of the heart. Therefore, on the path of the Hierarchy, on the path of the Great Service, on the path of Communion, synthesis is the one luminous path of the heart. How can seekers radiate the rays manifested if there is no flame affirmed in their hearts? It is precisely the quality of a magnet that lies latent in the heart. The loftiest creativity is pervaded with this great law. Thus, every consummation, every unification, every cosmic union is achieved through the flame of the heart. In what way can a foundation be laid for great steps? Truly, only by way of the heart. The arcs of consciousness merge in the flame of the heart.
So let us keep in mind the wondrous attraction of the magnet of the heart, which links all manifestations. Indeed, the silver thread that connects the Teacher with the disciple is the great magnet of the heart.

-Master Morya through Helena Roerich , Heart

Saturday, 3 May 2014

Agni Yoga Quote

Holy Master D.K. Quote

Points to be considered for people on the path of Occult Meditation

The dangers of meditation are largely the dangers of our virtues, and therein lies much of the difficulty. They are largely the dangers of a fine mental concept that runs ahead of the capacity of the lower vehicles, especially of the dense physical...the absolute necessity is for the occult student to have a virile common sense for one of his basic qualities, coupled with a happy sense of proportion that leads to due caution and an approximation of the necessary method to the immediate need. To one therefore who undertakes wholeheartedly the process of occult meditation:
  1. Know thyself.
  2. Proceed slowly and with caution.
  3. Study effects.
  4. Cultivate the realisation that eternity is long and that that which is slowly built up endures forever.
  5. Aim at regularity.
  6. Realise always that the true spiritual effects are to be seen in the exoteric life of service.
  7. Remember likewise that psychic phenomena are no indication of a successful following of meditation.
The world will see the effects and be a better judge than the student himself. Above all, the Master will know, for the results on causal levels will be apparent to Him long before the man himself is conscious of any progress.

-Holy Master D.K. through Alice Bailey , Letters on Occult Meditation

Friday, 2 May 2014


Angels and Meditation

When you are sitting and meditating , lots of devas and angels come around your aura and eat the substance that you are creating through meditation, contemplation, and concentration. You are producing a garden of vegetables for them to eat. What happens? If you are feeding one hundred, or ten thousand devas and angels through your contemplation and mediation and nice lectures, they eventually become your co-workers, and in dire conditions they come and help you because they are your friends. We call them invisible helpers . Invisible helpers do not serve you at the beginning if you do not give something to them. Why will they help you?You are a dry branch. There is no fruit , there is no flower in you. Why will they help you?You must become something to attract them. If you attract them, eventually they will be your friends and maybe in future incarnations they will incarnate as your children, father,mother,wife or husband. That is how you build a superior family with celestial beings.
-Torkom Saraydarian, Transformation